Corporations shouldn't even get that kind of respect.
I agree.
Small business owners help build the world we live in.
I only gave that example in order to give an idea of what we do. People that are, - at least -, partially educated do agree that there is a way you dress according to a situation. So, for a job interview (not necessarily for a corporation) you want to make a good impression and look like a serious, grown-up person, but when it comes to church, you come with another standard (although there is a church etiquette also). If your boss told you to stop wearing a lip pierce at work, you would conform to that, but when a pastor tells you the same thing, you are ready to give up the church only to wear that lip pierce (that's what the opener said she would do, but it was about dragon tattoo, not a lip pierce). This is very sad. What if the early christians would have reacted the same way when Saint Paul scolded them?
People should be able to relax and wear what is comfortable, have tattoos and piercings and be an individual. God didn't make us to be cookie cutter clones, so why should we try to conform to a specific image?
Yes. Why try to conform to a specific image? The goth image, for example.
Each one of us is unique and irrepetable, with or whithout tattoos and pierceings. What if you lived in the 18th century? Would you have been incapable of expressing yourself, of demarcating yourself from the others, just because you had to dress more or less the same style of clothes? If someone takes away your tattoos and piercings have nothing left...? I doubt it.
Some people think that it is enough to adopt an
unconventional look (which is, paradoxally, very conventional since the rockers dress in a certain way and the rappers in a different way; so, you can actually distinguish the two groups based on their look) in order to show their unicity and originality.
Before I go on, I want to make clear that I do not talk about you personally when I use the pronoun "you", nor do I talk about particular persons from this forum; I only talk in general.
I will have to dissapoint the persons that believe that their personality and originality lies in the way they look; the persons that believe they are original just because (unlike a regular, normal person) they have tattoos, piercings, weird (but trendy) haircuts etc. Of course, that doesn't mean that a tattooed person can't be original. That only means that if a tattooed person is original, is because of anything, but the tattoos.
I do not claim to have figured out what exactly is that make some people to wish to create themselves an identity. I suspect that this desire comes out of a complex of inferiority, lack of confidence and ...very probable, lack of originality. I believe that if someone feels the need
to add something to his exterior appearence (especially something exagerated) is because, maybe, he tries to compensate something that he lacks in the inside.
I believe that when the idea of a small group (the hippies, for example) is being taken and adopted by the masses, that same idea loses its substance and essence. What the crowd takes is the form of the idea, not the essence. The same goes with the subcultures.
That's my opinion, please, don't get upset and don't feel attacked or something.
Yes, there is a certain degree of cleaning up for a job interview. You can't expect to get hired with bad hygiene and thrashed clothes. But at the same time why should a pair of pants or a tattoo really affect how we see one another?
Why not the same cleaning up for the church?
You are right. The tattoo or a certain pair of pants shouldn't affect how we see one another. People in church shouldn't be disturbed by the way another one dresses. But, at the same time, we shouldn't dress in a way that draws attention. We are to be modest and humble. If we do not have (yet) these qualities, let's try at least to obey the rules of the good manners that we all (hopefully) know. We do not end up in church by accident (at least most of us do not); we know from the very beginning that we go to church and not to a bar or to a party. So, when we go to the church, we dress appropriately.