Hmm... decisions, decisions...
Do I bring up the "pearls before swine" verse? Nah, the OP would just argue about it, probably try to claim it does not pertain to avoiding toxic people.
Do I mention that the OP's use of "toxic" doesn't match at all with what most people mean when they refer to toxic people? Nah, that has already been tried and the OP seems oblivious to the point.
Wait... reality check. Is the OP even listening to anybody else's points? It seems all the OP cares about is arguing.
*Lynx scrolls up to check...
Whoa, definitely! Instead of considering facts other people bring up, the OP keeps looking for ways to shoot down anything anybody else says. That is one good example of a toxic person.
Congratulations missufan01. You are a toxic person we should avoid. You stir up arguments just for the sake of arguing a dubious point and blithely ignore anything anybody says that might disturb your arguments.
Yes, I have been listening.
I had a guy tell me that the proverb of leading a horse to water is found in Matthew 10, which was a lie, and then found a verse in Proverbs that mentioned a horse being prepared for battle and said they were the same--they are not.
All along I have maintained the phrase "if toxic and sin are equatable." What most people say is that one can be toxic without sinning. But 90% of the time, when asked for example, they will give an example of a sin, such as abuse, or people who are addicted to drugs. I have no issue with boundaries with these people, but their issues are only toxic in the sense they are sinning.
The only one that semi-maintained the notion that toxic did not equal sin was cutoff because of their personality; though I'm not sure what they meant exactly by personality, which again I don't agree with, because the Bible tells us to reconcile, and that the eye cannot say to the foot, I don't need you, for the body is made of many parts. I have used Scriptural statements in all my answers.
My goal is not in quarreling but that we arrive to truth for a subject that is prevalent in today's society. I simply do not blindly accept their answers if it does not appear to be biblically accurate, so i push so that either I or they come to an understanding of the truth. Remember, just because the masses agree a teaching is good does not necessarily mean it is biblical or God-honoring. I feel like how MOST people use the term toxicity is the way the word for sin was intended, which to me is a very dangerous, slippery slope.
When asked for Scripture, I was given verses that aren't even in the Bible, or their argument that toxicity is just some sort of negative feeling or vibe they get from a person that feels like a detriment to them. I want to dig deeper into that aspect of toxicity. The only time there was a possibility it wasn't sin is that one found another annoying. But even then, I may be inclined to think there was an idolatry of man issue--but with that may or may not be the case. This is probably the best argument for the other side.
The way I see it is that we are to "bear with one another in love" and to be and to strive for unity as much as possible. I just feel that the toxicity teaching has created far more divisions then I think Christians should be allowing.