Your cartography of the earth is truly crazy, especially the slinky permutation. For some reason I can relate to them. I would be very much interested in seeing your Duncan Yoyo variation of the earth. That would be truly wild.
You make it sound like I drew these world art things

so I feel that I need to say that I didn't draw them. When I was in college I used to go online and find these photos and use them for things like binder covers.
I would love to see a Duncan yoyo map projection. In school I would get bored waiting for classes to start so I started yoyoing in the hallways. I started with one yoyo, then graduated to two, one in each hand.
I had the greatest suprise one time when a 60ish year old man was watching me and then began chatting with me about yoyos. I offered him the yoyos so that he could have a go at them. He slipped the yoyos onto his fingers and then began to do tricks that would put some professionals to shame. It was so awesome.