Do these (and other) verses not call upon us to act spiritually, and not worldly? And by extrapolation, to not be involved in worldly things, including politics? Yes we are to pray for our leaders and our country. But scripture never says to VOTE for them. Actually, scripture warns us over and over again that FALSE leaders would arise using God's Name to draw us away from His truth. Would that not include those who turn our focus on worldly remedies, instead of spiritual ones?
scripture never says to brush your teeth, either, so you'd best cease and desist. no driver's license or annual physical, either.
yeah, voting... democracy of any sort was BIG in the first century and all the ones prior to it.
the warnings you speak of are against false leaders in the church. what you're doing is using scripture out of context.
i'm not saying make politics your whole life; i don't care for it, m'self. but if every Christian stopped voting or running for office, good grief! it doesn't bear thinking of. that's just surrendering the country.
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