While I totally realize that CCs intentions were to give people several emojis to react with, things have lately been getting out of hand. I recall when the red x first popped up. I would use it only when I believed what a person was saying was heresy, totally against what the Bible taught. Then suddenly people began to use it not because they disagreed with a comment, but as a weapon. I had several people, who are now banned, that would follow me around the forum and red x anything I said, even if it was straight out of the Bible!! I pop in today and see someone has given me ten thumbs down in a row, and I wasn't even speaking directly to them!! smh Hey, you want to disagree, do so. But people are using these emojis as a weapon. I feel that's a misuse of the emojis. Anyone else feel the same way? Understand, I'm not saying people don't have a right to use it, I just don't think you should be allowed to misuse it simply because you dislike that person. There is a difference.
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