Not By Works

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Senior Member
Oct 24, 2015
this thread __________________________________________________________is too long


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Because he knows all.
He knows, and He always knows - so there was never a time He didn't know, right? otherwise He's not omniscient; He was never ignorant.

He knew, before you were created, what you would do, and whether you would believe in Him - so it's not like, He created us & then had to '
look down through time' to see how we would turn out. doesn't that kind of explanation of His 'foreknowledge' makes Him creating in ignorance, and only finding out later what it was He made?
when He created our will, before He did, didn't He know exactly what He was creating; it wasn't random or undetermined? because whatever free will we have - He created it also

does that make us robots?


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
Brace yourself, folks. The 'not really' doctrines of OSAS are about to be unleashed. Along with the usual berating, degrading, and insults.

You are describing how you treat those of us who absolutely believe in the BIBLICAL DOCTRINE OF ONCE SAVED, ALWAYS SAVED.


1 Corinthians 1:8 (NIV)
[SUP]8 [/SUP]He will keep you strong to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:6 (HCSB)
[SUP]6 [/SUP] I am sure of this, that He who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

John 10:28-30 (HCSB)
[SUP]28 [/SUP]I give them eternal life, and they will never perish—ever! No one will snatch them out of My hand.
[SUP]29 [/SUP] My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all. No one is able to snatch them out of the Father’s hand.
[SUP]30 [/SUP] The Father and I are one.”

Jude 1:24-25 (HCSB)
[SUP]24 [/SUP] Now to Him who is able to protect you from stumbling and to make you stand in the presence of His glory, blameless and with great joy,
[SUP]25 [/SUP] to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, power, and authority before all time, now and forever. Amen.

Hebrews 13:5 (HCSB)
[SUP]5 [/SUP] Your life should be free from the love of money. Be satisfied with what you have, for He Himself has said, I will never leave you or forsake you.
Dec 12, 2013
Did you forget? We only have a down payment of the eternal life to come:

"29Jesus said, “Truly I say to you, there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or farms, for My sake and for the gospel’s sake, 30but that he will receive a hundred times as much now in the present age, houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and farms, along with persecutions; and in the age to come, eternal life." (Mark 10:29-30 NASB)

We get the sum total of eternal life at the resurrection......if we have faithfully trusted in the blood and not denied Christ to the very end. Believers do not have it all now. Only a taste of it. Even Vine's explains what the down payment guarantees as being subject to conditions. Not the condition of work, but the condition of continued trust in Christ.

How does one LOSE his part in the Tree of Life in the kingdom and keep the Holy Spirit? Do Spirit filled/sealed people dwell outside of the kingdom where John says the wicked damned are?

14Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. 15Outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the immoral persons and the murderers and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lying.

18I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; 19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book." (Revelation 22:14-15,18-19 NASB)

Man yo need to take a few lessons on grammar and contextual studies...the bible is clear...we have spiritual eternal life right now...not next week, next month or next year...we are born again SPIRITUALLY = LIFE <---ALLOWS ONE TO COMPARE spiritual with spiritual and UNDERSTAND THE WORD.....

Dec 12, 2013
dcon u know i dont beleive in works salvation. but i still wanna know what are the leafs of healing for the nations for? i often wonder who are the folks outside new jerusalem, the kings who go in and bring their tribute.
it cant be just israel because it says nations plural.
As far as the leaves for healing.....any view offered would be surmising and guesses on my to the other question....many forget that some believers have works of gold, silver and precious stones and have been faithful....others have works of wood, hay and stubble and were not so faithful yet both were saved....even the Corinthian brother who was a fornicator and cut lose for the destruction of the flesh, yet his spirit was still saved...God is fair and rewards accordingly...some rule many are ruled...and maybe the tree of life has a special application that we are not aware is obvious that there is a division of believers and varying rewards to be earned or gained based upon one's faithfulness........


Senior Member
Oct 14, 2013
He knows, and He always knows - so there was never a time He didn't know, right? otherwise He's not omniscient; He was never ignorant.

He knew, before you were created, what you would do, and whether you would believe in Him - so it's not like, He created us & then had to '
look down through time' to see how we would turn out. doesn't that kind of explanation of His 'foreknowledge' makes Him creating in ignorance, and only finding out later what it was He made?
when He created our will, before He did, didn't He know exactly what He was creating; it wasn't random or undetermined? because whatever free will we have - He created it also

does that make us robots?

I challenge you to think a little DEEPER about the Nature of GOD.

I believe it is even possible that GOD EXISTS outside of TIME as we know it.

I believe HIS OMNIPRESENCE goes beyond every created cubit inch of everything HE CREATED.


TIME as we know it, is not something GOD travels through, but is also something HE CREATED.


Isaiah 46:10 (ESV)
[SUP]10 [/SUP] declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’

Revelation 17:8 (HCSB)
[SUP]8 [/SUP] The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up from the abyss and go to destruction. Those who live on the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast that was, and is not, and will be present ⌊again⌋.

No, we are not robots, we are those who CHOOSE TO LOVE GOD.
Dec 12, 2013
I challenge you to think a little DEEPER about the Nature of GOD.

I believe it is even possible that GOD EXISTS outside of TIME as we know it.

I believe HIS OMNIPRESENCE goes beyond every created cubit inch of everything HE CREATED.


TIME as we know it, is not something GOD travels through, but is also something HE CREATED.


Isaiah 46:10 (ESV)
[SUP]10 [/SUP] declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,’

Revelation 17:8 (HCSB)
[SUP]8 [/SUP] The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up from the abyss and go to destruction. Those who live on the earth whose names have not been written in the book of life from the foundation of the world will be astonished when they see the beast that was, and is not, and will be present ⌊again⌋.

No, we are not robots, we are those who CHOOSE TO LOVE GOD.
I believe Posthuman knows this and believes this...he is in a round about way being somewhat sarcastic in his question and answer posts....and remember who he is answering.....lasagna man


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2016
2 You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2 And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 3 Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. 4 No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer. 5 Similarly, if anyone competes as an athlete, he does not receive the victor’s crown unless he competes according to the rules. 6 The hardworking farmer should be the first to receive a share of the crops. 7 Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.

8 Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel, 9 for which I am suffering even to the point of being chained like a criminal. But God’s word is not chained. 10 Therefore I endure everything for the sake of the elect, that they too may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory.

11 Here is a trustworthy saying:

If we died with him,
we will also live with him;
12 if we endure,
we will also reign with him.
If we disown him,
he will also disown us;
13 if we are faithless,
he will remain faithful,
for he cannot disown himself.

A Workman Approved by God

14 Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. 16 Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly. 17 Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, 18 who have wandered away from the truth. They say that the resurrection has already taken place, and they destroy the faith of some. 19 Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”

20 In a large house there are articles not only of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay; some are for noble purposes and some for ignoble. 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work.

22 Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 23 Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels. 24 And the Lord’s servant must not quarrel; instead, he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 25 Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance leading them to a knowledge of the truth, 26 and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will.


Senior Member
Feb 15, 2017
Yep Not by Works is still a work in progress.
[FONT=&quot]Jesus take me as I am.[/FONT]
Here is the good news about Jesus. We don’t have to wait to get our lives in order, or when we think were good enough to come to him. If we keep waiting for that, then that day will never come. We can never earn Salvation by the things we do, it is a gift from God. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8
” For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God “. The good new is, Jesus accepts us just as we are.

When Oliver Cromwell had his portrait painted. It looked perfect, without flaw. However Oliver Cromwell was not happy as it was not a true reflection of his likeness. He had it done again, he said to the artist ” Paint me warts and all !, I want to people take me as I am, to accept me, for being me “.
When we come to Jesus, he see`s us as we are, and accepts us. Warts and all, our sinful way of life, our tainted past.
Now here is the great news…….When we say Jesus, take me as I am…..he does !.
Isaiah 64:6 ” All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags ” But this what the Bible says in Isaiah 1:18 ” Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool “.
Let the love, acceptance, mercy, grace and forgiveness of Jesus touch your life today.

Let the cry of your heart be echoed in the words of this old gospel song.
Jesus take me as I am,
I can come no other way.
Take me deeper into You,
Make my flesh life melt away.
Make me like a precious stone,
Crystal clear and finely honed.
Light of Jesus shining through,
Giving glory back to You.

God bless you my friend, Matthew McDonald (Wordpress)


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2017
Not only can we never be good enough to deserve salvation nor can we be so bad that we can not be saved.

Ephesisians 2:8-9 [SUP]8 [/SUP]For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— [SUP]9 [/SUP]not by works, so that no one can boast.

I feel overwhelmed with gratitude that God has given me the gift of salvation.
There is only one sin that causes people to be condomned by God. That is the rejection of Jesus. Any other sins shall be forgiven by accepting Jesus as our savior!!


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2017
this thread __________________________________________________________is too long
Agreed. One sentence covers this subject.

We are not saved by works of righteousness, but we are saved UNTO works of righteousness (Eph 2:8-10).


Jesus take me as I am.
Here is the good news about Jesus. We don’t have to wait to get our lives in order, or when we think were good enough to come to him. If we keep waiting for that, then that day will never come. We can never earn Salvation by the things we do, it is a gift from God. The Bible says in Ephesians 2:8
” For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God “. The good new is, Jesus accepts us just as we are.

When Oliver Cromwell had his portrait painted. It looked perfect, without flaw. However Oliver Cromwell was not happy as it was not a true reflection of his likeness. He had it done again, he said to the artist ” Paint me warts and all !, I want to people take me as I am, to accept me, for being me “.
When we come to Jesus, he see`s us as we are, and accepts us. Warts and all, our sinful way of life, our tainted past.
Now here is the great news…….When we say Jesus, take me as I am…..he does !.
Isaiah 64:6 ” All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags ” But this what the Bible says in Isaiah 1:18 ” Come now, let us reason together,” says the LORD. “Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool “.
Let the love, acceptance, mercy, grace and forgiveness of Jesus touch your life today.

Let the cry of your heart be echoed in the words of this old gospel song.
Jesus take me as I am,
I can come no other way.
Take me deeper into You,
Make my flesh life melt away.
Make me like a precious stone,
Crystal clear and finely honed.
Light of Jesus shining through,
Giving glory back to You.

God bless you my friend, Matthew McDonald (Wordpress)
I like that the bib le calls people of God his children, it paints a great picture

In the womb a child is being formed and nurtured until the time of birth, At that time, God breaths life into that lifeless body and the child’s becomes a living creature with a living soul, From that time, a child is growing, being taught by parents, and teachers and life circumstances. Until they grow to be mature adults who in turn hopefully help to teach and nurter people who are younger than them.

To me, this resembled the non believer, who are formed in into a new body, and God breaths the great of life into them at the point of conversion.

From that time on, they are taught and nurchered by older more mature believers, And life circumstances, and hopefully grow into mature believers who in turn teach and nurtur other new babes in christ.

So from this stand, we are always at work (or God is always at work in us, ie, it is a work in process)

But as a child is ALWAYS his parents child as proven by blood and DNA, the believer is always the child of God, proven by thge blood of Christ. And Christs dna which is in them.


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2017
I'm not one who normally shouts CONTEXT, lol, but in this case I must.

1Co 3:4 For when one person says, "I follow Paul," and another person says, "I follow to Apollos," you're following your own human nature, aren't you?

This is what Paul is addressing here. Division from arguing which one is the best teacher.

What we as the body of Christ has is the ministry of reconciliation. True. And we will be used as we live our life, watering and planting seeds of the Word of the gospel.

But, that chapter was the wrong one to make your point.
(Phart does this continually).

As as far as rewards, I'm of the thinking...let your right hand not know what your left is doing. Just live in love with Jesus. I've had more ask me about Him, just by my reading His Word because I was seeking Him.

Hot love, the first love is fresh bread. Everyone loves fresh baked bread.
Amen and Amen Stonesoffire, keep Phart accountable for what he keeps feeding us and continually posting irrelevant scripture's, he does this all the time. False teacher's have mishandled God's word down through the ages, Phart is by no means the first to do this as you already know. His false gospel is more important to him than rightly dividing God's word. He would lead us all astray and not even blink an eye.

God bless!
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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2017
I like that the bib le calls people of God his children, it paints a great picture

In the womb a child is being formed and nurtured until the time of birth, At that time, God breaths life into that lifeless body and the child’s becomes a living creature with a living soul, From that time, a child is growing, being taught by parents, and teachers and life circumstances. Until they grow to be mature adults who in turn hopefully help to teach and nurter people who are younger than them.

To me, this resembled the non believer, who are formed in into a new body, and God breaths the great of life into them at the point of conversion.

From that time on, they are taught and nurchered by older more mature believers, And life circumstances, and hopefully grow into mature believers who in turn teach and nurtur other new babes in christ.

So from this stand, we are always at work (or God is always at work in us, ie, it is a work in process)

But as a child is ALWAYS his parents child as proven by blood and DNA, the believer is always the child of God, proven by thge blood of Christ. And Christs dna which is in them.
If only we all realised that we are children of the Father.
Jesus himself said “May they know that you love them as much as you love me”

The same Jesus when baptised the Father says “This is my son with whom I am well pleased”

Why did Jesus die?

Reconcilation to the Father. Forgiveness of sins that blocked the relationship that Adam had.

When we come to that place with relationship with him we walk with him.
Relationship, walking and talking.

We talk he listens, he talk we listen.

As we listen we follow.
When we stumble he picks us up and says ok let’s walk some more.

Is God’s desire for realtionship with people based on love or people like robots who want artificial intelligence?


Senior Member
Jul 17, 2017
Either that or it has been a very interesting debate.
Hi VCO, I put my vote in for interesting as opposed to, "too long", there are many threads to choose from if someone finds this one not interesting enough, yes.
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Senior Member
Oct 13, 2017
If only we all realised that we are children of the Father.
Jesus himself said “May they know that you love them as much as you love me”

The same Jesus when baptised the Father says “This is my son with whom I am well pleased”

Why did Jesus die?

Reconcilation to the Father. Forgiveness of sins that blocked the relationship that Adam had.

When we come to that place with relationship with him we walk with him.
Relationship, walking and talking.

We talk he listens, he talk we listen.

As we listen we follow.
When we stumble he picks us up and says ok let’s walk some more.

Is God’s desire for realtionship with people based on love or people like robots who want artificial intelligence?
What completely blows my mind is God knowing the end from the begining still created the universe knowing that as Jesus he would have to suffer and die as the Lamb of God. He loved the people He created with free will so much He did that. Therefore all who accept His sacrifice are Children of God!!