"19and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book." (Revelation 22:19 NASB)
God will indeed 'revoke His Spirit' from a person who once had a stake in the eternal inheritance. God can unseal someone just as easily as you and I can unseal a bowl of leftover Lasagna in the refrigerator. Removing the Holy Spirit from a person is not the rock that God can not lift.
God will not, "revoke His Spirit", from a true believer. These are false words from Phart that he pulled out of his old, "Cracker Jack Box" a surprise in every box. (a borrowed quote from Decon). Phart would have you believe that your "Eternal Salvation" is not "Eternal." this is a lie from the devil 'Pure Nonsense.'
"My brothers and sisters, 'if one of you should wander from the truth', and someone should 'bring that person back', remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins." James5:19-20
Folks......the bolded is as false as can be, not of God and is as blasphemous as it comes....God states clearly sealed UNTO the day of redemption and there are no but's, if's or and's added...do not believe the above bolded lie....as far as the scripture....it is taken out of context and the loss of salvation hung upon it.......taken in the whole it is not discussing one who is saved and then loses salvation.......the only thing that results in one NOT BEING SAVED to begin with is a lack of saving faith into the work of JESUS.....which is a one off event with continuing present results.....it is clear from ALL accounts that the book of the living was written before creation was cast down and has every man, woman and child in it, those who fail to acknowledge saving faith into Christ are removed
And where in that verse does it say thy are unsealed.....? it doesn't
And where in that verse does it say thy are unsealed.....? it doesn't
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