No offense but I am very right.
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
As I was saying, Jesus is the way to eternal life, which is in Christ, which happens to be in the kingdom of God. One cannot get in the kingdom of God without receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ for themselves, PERSONALLY.
Salvation is like healing. Until you receive the word of truth or promise of God and act on said word/promise for yourself, personally, then it most likely wont manifest in the natural.
To him that has, [that which he has received personally and acted upon] shall be given [to] him.
And so it is with salvation, until you receive the gospel concerning salvation personally, and act upon said word of truth or promise of God, then nothing has happened, and the person will remain unsaved.
One cannot merely believe Jesus is the savior of the world and go to heaven. They have to receive said savior for themselves personally, while acting upon the word of God, before they actually receive Jesus in their heart for eternal life and enter into the kingdom of God.
Faith without corresponding action to that which one receives, is dead.
Joh 10:9 I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.
As I was saying, Jesus is the way to eternal life, which is in Christ, which happens to be in the kingdom of God. One cannot get in the kingdom of God without receiving the gospel of Jesus Christ for themselves, PERSONALLY.
Salvation is like healing. Until you receive the word of truth or promise of God and act on said word/promise for yourself, personally, then it most likely wont manifest in the natural.
To him that has, [that which he has received personally and acted upon] shall be given [to] him.
And so it is with salvation, until you receive the gospel concerning salvation personally, and act upon said word of truth or promise of God, then nothing has happened, and the person will remain unsaved.
One cannot merely believe Jesus is the savior of the world and go to heaven. They have to receive said savior for themselves personally, while acting upon the word of God, before they actually receive Jesus in their heart for eternal life and enter into the kingdom of God.
Faith without corresponding action to that which one receives, is dead.
Yes he comes in personally like He did with Paul,my self,and He does with millions of people.
It is called born again,saved,new birth.
I take it you are for that
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