I am worried about people who say it only takes your faith to change your husband. God loves us so much, he gave us free will. That include's your husband as well. Unfortunately, he may never change. Still, faith is good to have. That said...
Every Christian needs to do four things in their life to move forward in the Lord. They are necessary and required by the Bible: 1. Prayer (daily), 2. meeting and fellowship with other believers (beyond Sunday, and with members of the same sex), 3. studying the scriptures (study full books and memorize versus so they are close to your heart), 4. sharing the Gospel, either through words or actions.
Are you doing these?
Keep in mind that you are also dealing with the free will of another person, as previously noted. And no matter how much faith you have, God is not going to force his will on your husband.
You should also be aware of warning signs that he has pulled closer to someone else. This could be a full blown affair or an emotional affair. Both are damaging to marriages.
I would recommend this book, which covers so much about relationships and divorce and getting closer to God.
Don't be afraid of the "divorce" word in the title. In it is a lot of good sound interpretation of scripture and advice for how to draw nearer to the lord. Know that he is drawing nearer to you right now.
By the way, I am where you are, broken hearted and learning to have a contrite spirit.
Sincerely, a brother in Christ.