Hi Leastamongmany many. Did you mean this post. I was just putting a sad face to say that it was sad that someone was banned or left. I think it was the man who started the thread. I (wasn't) putting a sad face towards your comment

I was putting a sad face towards the person who left. I removed my sad face now. I think it Got people confused.
This made me smile. The whole reason for emoticons was because emotional meaning is so difficult
to convey in pure sentences, and easily taken in a bad way. And we are talking religion,

I think working in an explosives factory might be easier.
My dad, when he was alive, would not talk faith because it stirred up so much emotion he could not
handle. Must have been hard for him to have an evangelistic son who talk faith all the time
I remember a comment by one member. "He is so nice, yet he believes .... "
The emotional language had already been set up, that this group are terrible, so cannot behave in this
way, and that group are fantastic, so behave in this way.
So many are brainwashed like this, and the emotional content sets them up for certain interactions.
I learnt from interacting with muslims of the radical sort, it was part of their armour. Did not expect this
from believers, but Praise the Lord, He provides us with education and the full armour of God.
We need to learn better and to interact more, so the Lords word can be preached and spoken clearly.
Our culture has moved on, and the aggression and antagonism more sophisticated, but equally the Lord
is able to answer this, Amen.