As I understand it, the term "hyper-dispensationalism" pertains ONLY to those who hold to the idea that the Church which is His body started LATER in Acts (like Acts 9,13,18, or 28 [or whatever]); but "Pauline Dispensationalism" believes the Church which is His body started in Acts 2 (Eph1:20-23 WHEN) and does not fall under the "hyper-" banner.
So there is a distinction here. One can be "Pauline Dispensationalist" without falling under the "hyper-" category.
So there is a distinction here. One can be "Pauline Dispensationalist" without falling under the "hyper-" category.
Hyper pauline needs certain things,such as cessationism,and the apostles preaching the law alongside Jesus.
All false doctrine by nature,carries an impossibility. Or several of them.
This is where we get non negotiable pillars of our faith. Our faith has a "starting place". That starting place is in what the early church saints died for.
Now,if Jesus who taught paul,also told him "please do not pay any attention to my words while incarnate,that was a danger to the gentiles"
That type of nonsense needs a premise. A pre determined starting place.
That is what we see here. The hyper-p's START with a bogus view. They need others to begin with them. Begin in a DOCTRINE OF false BELIEFS.
I have watched miles stafford and les feldick lay it out.
1) you need to believe the gospel of the kingdom is different than the gospel of paul.
You must start there.
Without that,the entire row of dominoes falls down.
2). One that is established ,we start our building. They tell you paul got the DIFFERENT gospel. The new gospel.
3) once 1&2 are established,there is a gold mine of cunning twists they very craftily weave into the scharade to complete the destruction of the words of Jesus,and half the new testament.
The first church was Jewish.
They had to adjust.
Paul laid out the adjustment of THE SAME GOSPEL. NO NEW GOSPEL.
Jesus knew the gospel was grace,not law centered.
Are we so stupid to think anywhere there is obedience,there is some "other way" that allows all disobedience to be anything other than transgression and consequences????
The hyper p's want you to belive in hyper grace. "Greasy grace".
Most of us know sin has cause and effect. We reap what we sow. Our walk is one of obedience. Jesus came to make us Holy,not teach us to be holy.
Temptation comes to break you from fellowship.
(Not necessarily or initially to break salvation)
Once you sin,you must repent.
You dont lose salvation. You lose fellowship. It strikes you in your intimacy with him.
IT BREAKS YOUR HEART. You don't "feel lost",you just know something is not there that once was.
Now,a hyper p is in a different mode. A mental mode. They see sin as kinda a tool. They sneer at anything of obedience,telling you,"obedience is law centered of moses,gospel of the kingdom.paul taught the gospel of grace."
IOW, they are always forgiven,and if they sin it is so minor that God kinda chuckles,and they just look to heaven and laugh as they "acknowledge their total forgiveness"
Bliss. They walk in a false bliss,thinking paul abolished the consequences of sin by the cross.
To them consequences and obedience is kingdom gospel,false premise of Jesus that paul corrected. (Progressive revelation)
NOW WE SEE why the h-p's reject the 7 letters to the 7 churches.
Why 1&2 peter is rejected,james,and the red letters of the nt. All rejected.
All rejected under a false understanding of salvation,Jesus,and the obedience of a beliver.
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