Now I will Reply to These verses as much as I have time for now.
You Forget the scriptures where the sheep left the flock and Jesus did not go after them. The 70, Judas, the Father of the prodigal did not go after them.
IF you choose to leave He will let you leave. No one outside of your own heart can remove you from the father's hand. But your own choice can certainly do so. This is called neglecting or shipwreaking your faith.
His power does override your free will to choose. If your free will were protected (controlled) by God's power we would see no more sin in his people at all. They would be like those in heaven, sinless. We are not and so He id not protecting us from ourselves.Does not mean we cannot leave. HE even says that God works all Things to good for those who meet the conditions. There are condition. So you believe that all one Needs to do is say those "magic" words? I think you do not understand what the author meant.
The goal is that we be like his son. Notice no one here says the goal is heaven no matter how we live. Predestined to be like Jesus, not predestined to go to Heaven.
IF your love dies that it is no longer undying. We Need to "return to our first love" at times as his power is not keeping us loving Him.
HOw can you not see the requriements written in the scripture you Quote? We must depart from iniquity. How can you not see that and you quoted it. Unless YOU DECIDE to turn back.
Grace is not so you get to go to heaven no matter how you live. It is so that we depart from sin in our lives. No one in the bible separated salvation from sanctification. This is necessary for those who want to make sanctification an optional extra.
Gifts can be lost. Happens all the time. We can look at Bible characters who lost the gifts God gave them because of choices to disobey.
Many are called receiving the calling and yet they are not among the Chosen. SO they received the calling and it was not fruitful because they did not obey.
God does not have to let those who loved their sin all their lives into HIs house because of a committment they made and later neglected.
I am sorry that I got quite short with you.
You have my permission that if you want to know what exacty
OSAS Theology teaches, I will be happy to answer you, Truthfully, and if I do not KNOW, I will ask my Pastor to explain. That way you don't make inadvertent statements that are untrue, and we keep the PEACE.
I know our Theology brands are different, but I also have been able to just AGREE TO DISAGREE, a go on with Christian lives.
You see, I happen to believe that the ONLY SIN that anyone goes to hell for, is blaspheming the Holy Spirit, which is rejecting what the Holy Spirit is trying to get one to believe the Truth about Christ paying for our SINS.
I have figured out Difference between your Theology, and my Theology. The main difference, is you count every baptized Disciples who Follows CHRIST as being on the road to Salvation. Where as OSAS Believers only count those manifesting the FRUIT of the Spirit, as be a genuine Born Again Believer. I am not sure how much regard this verse, be we OSAS Believers think it is CRITICAL.
1 Corinthians 12:13 (HCSB)
For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body— {That would include the Thief on the Cross, where baptism in water does not.} whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit.
John 3:5-7 (HCSB)
5 Jesus answered,
“I assure you: Unless someone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Whatever is born of the flesh is flesh, and whatever is born of the Spirit is spirit. {Notice, Born Again does not happen to the Body.}
Do not be amazed that I told you that you must be born again.
That is the definition of Born Again, the moment we Come Threw the Narrow Gate. Sanctification happens to the Body After Salvation, and takes a lifetime, and we will not be PERFECT until the Ressurection. No, I do not think you will agree with me, but we Believe OBEDIENCE is part of Agape LOVE, which all happens after Salvation, and never has been part of SALVATION.
MAGENTA, will be happy for the last two Paragraphs were in magenta.
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