Originally, God had only given the Law to the Jews but, with the Righteousness of God that comes by faith through Jesus Christ - God has made His Righteousness available to ALL - Jew and Gentile that choose to believe the Truth when the Holy Spirit makes it known to them.

But please think about your statement "God only gives the law to the Jews". In scripture the word transcribed as law does not always have the same meaning, and it is difficult to understand what scripture means when it tells us "law". Sometimes it is the things the people escaped from slavery in Egypt were told to do to help them obey the true law. James, the brother of Jesus, explained that God does not mean for gentiles to obey those things, but scripture does not designate which laws that was. Scripture tells us one is fleshly circumcision.
We can use reason to find what those things we are exempt from. We know hat all law is summed up in love. Each ten commandment is a way to express love, and that is the essence of true law. Fleshly circumcision is not an expression of love, we are not obliged to it.
Because scripture tells us we do not need to obey what is Jewish custom, we lump all Jewish custom as what we need not follow. Much of Jewish custom is based on the love of God and Man, so we need a better filter of what is custom we are exempt from.
We think of scripture as to the Jews only, if that is the truth of it, it would mean that God excludes much from us because of our parents. I don't think scripture tells us the God excludes anyone for being gentile. If you will use your concordance and look up scripture speaking of "strangers" or "sojourners" I think you would agree with me.
Also, it seems to me that much harm to the word has been done because sometimes people have labeled their fleshly thoughts as coming from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit never adds or takes away from the word, for the Holy Spirit is one with the Lord. So we must be careful to check the spirits with scripture.
It also needs to be pointed out that although obedience is not what God looks at for grace, we cannot accept Christ within us and accept our disobedience. It is impossible for us to always obey, but our wanting to obey is possible and required.
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