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I'd rather hang out with a church filled with tattooed Christians who are full heartedly seeking God versus a church with nice dressed and the image of we got it all together, fake Christians.
Why are you so upset with God's condemnation of TATTOOS?
Suppose I told you about the connection between Tattoos and Demonic Possession (see my new thread!)?
Don't you understand, Roughsoul?

May God open your eyes to His holy and awesome truth!
Mayes I myself don’t have any , but I think My point is I have known some extremely beautiful people who belong to Jesus Christ who by thier outer appearance don’t seem appealing or maybe they have sleeve tattoos

so I try not to look too hard at tatoos or outer appearance now days knowing the gospel
Why get so worked up about 'the truth about tattoos'?
All that you folks ought to have done was to look up the verses in the Bible, and submit to the Word of God.
You cannot avoid the bitter truth that tattoos are Satanic in origin.
See my thread on the subject: TATTOOS AND DEMON POSSESSION.

I am trying to help you, Pilgrimshope. :):)
So, “Do not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, or print any marks upon you, I am the Lord.” means don’t get a tattoo? Or, if the tattoo is for the dead, then it means we challenge the authority of Yahweh? Are we also filthy rejects for eating shellfish and pork? Maybe it is not what we ink on our body that makes us unclean but what do.
In your opinion there is no difference between the dude who gets satanic imagery and the one who gets, “Jesus is Lord” tattooed?
Why are you so upset? If you read my new thread, 'Tattoos and Demon Possession', your eyes will be opened.

Hungry, you must be hungry for the truth! I am here to help you 'walk in truth'! :):)


New member
May 26, 2021
This is my view about tattoos. There is no such thing as Christian tattoos. The Bible declares that all tattoos are of the devil!

This is what I wrote 10 years ago, and I still stand by it! So please read! (May God enlighten your eyes!)


"The present article is more comprehensive, and should enlighten the open-minded reader about the ‘dark truths’ behind tattoos.

Historical Aspect

'History shows that tattoos have always been associated with paganism, shamanism, heathen (Baal worship), occult mysticism and demonism. The tattoo has never been associated with Christians, until the present decadent religious times. Wherever the Christian faith made its entrance, the tattoo made its exit.

'Tattoos where associated with shamans or magic-men (witch-doctors). A shaman is an intermediary between the natural and the supernatural worlds, who is in direct contact with spirits who are invariably evil. Tattooing was often a magical rite, linked to scarification and blood-letting, and the tattooing process involved complex rituals and taboos, known only to the shaman and his tribe. In tattooing the skin is punctured and the blood is drawn. Licking the blood during tattoo operations is not unknown. The puncturing was considered the ‘opening of inlets for evil to enter’. Tattoos were therefore channels for demonic possession. Even today, certain tattoo artists burn incense and light candles during tattoo operations, while others allow ‘demons to guide the tattoo needle over the client’s body’.

'Tattoos have always reflected a note of unabashed rebellion and marked deviancy. Hence tattoos were used to mark criminals, adulterers, traitors, deserters, the deviant and the outcast. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans did not tattoo themselves, but they branded slaves and criminals with tattoos. The Latin word for ‘tattoo’ is ‘stigma’ – which is a distinguishing mark cut into the flesh of a slave or a criminal, and was considered a mark of disgrace or reproach. By the early 1900s public opinion against tattoos was so strong that tattooed persons were considered freaks and found mostly in sideshows and circuses.

The Psychological Aspect

'It has been observed that criminals, drug addicts, sex perverts and social outlaws are the overwhelming majority of the tattooed. Hard rock bands sport sick and lewd tattoos. Gangs encourage tattoos to instill a sense of ‘belonging’. Tattoos carry a streak of aggression and anti-establishmentarianism and are subversive of morality. Death (inclusive of skulls, snakes, demons, flames) and pornography (lewd pictures, nude figures) are popular themes of tattoos. Psychologists have considered tattoos to be marks of personality disorder which is manifested later in criminal behavior. Low self-esteem, lack of self-control, sadomasochism, bondage, fetishism, bisexuality, antisocial personality, mania and bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia – are reflected in self-inflicted multiple tattoos. Studies have linked tattoos to homosexuality, lesbianism and gross sexual perversion.

Tattooed youth are more likely to engage in sexual intercourse, take to alcohol and drugs, and exhibit violent behavior, and drop out of high school – by as much as 4 times compared to non-tattooed youth.

The Christian Aspect

'Carnal Christians side-step the injuction in Leviticus 19;28 by arguing that the commandment is for Old Testament Israel and not for New Testament Christians. Does that mean that bestiality and child sacrifice which are forbidden in Leviticus are for Old Testament Israel and not for New Testament Christians? The New Testament does not have to spell out all sins. Smoking, for instance, is not mentioned in the Bible anywhere; but does it mean that smoking is not a vice or sin?

'Reputed Bible scholars and commentators have made in clear that the moral commandments in Leviticus are for all time and not just for Israel in the Old Testament age. Leviticus 19:28 says, ‘You shall not make any cutting in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you. I am the LORD.’ On this Matthew Henry, Merrill Unger and Jamieson, Fausset and Brown have made it amply clear that tattoos are forbidden by God. It is to be noted that while ‘cuttings’ are qualified by the phrase ‘for the dead’, ‘marks’ (or tattoos) have no such qualification. Which means that all tattoos (Christian and otherwise) are evil in God’s eyes.

'One of the arguments made by carnal Christians is that Lev 19.27 forbids haircuts. What Leviticus 19.27 is talking about is ‘rounding the corners of your head’ and ‘marring the corners of your beard’. These were heathen practices. One such practice was to cut the hair so that the head resembled a celestial globe. It is called a ‘tonsure’, a practice of heathens to honor their gods. The cutting of the flesh was demonstrated by the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. It is not to be forgotten that the demon-possessed man in Mark 5 was in the habit of cutting himself with stones. Cutting and masochistic self-flagellation is also practiced by Muslims during their festival of Muharram. In short, the injunctions in Lev 19:26-28 are a strong condemnation of heathen practices – witchcraft, astrology, cutting, tattooing, tonsures, etc.

'In 1 Samuel 15:23 we are told that ‘rebellion is like the sin of witchcraft’. Tattoos sported by today’s youth have been the mark of rebellion and hatred of authority (besides, rejection of all moral values). In God’s eyes, the sin of tattooing is like witch-craft. We have already seen the origins of tattoos in witch-craft and shamanism. It remains to be researched whether this ‘witch-craft’ has also led to widespread demon-possession. No, tattoos are not ‘body decoration’; they have nothing to do with fashion and beauty; but rather they are sinister signs of moral decay and infiltration by evil spirits into modern society.'

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It's almost always an act of rebellion, and as the Bible says is equivalent to witchcraft. You never see a true believer Christian as a tattoo artist, it just doesn't happen. Some of the scariest, most hellish figures and scenes are plentiful at a tattoo shop. It's like saying you want to cross over to the dark side. There could be exceptions to this but regardless the tattoo shop is like a massage parlor or whore house, it's walking into the darkness and is one of the gates to Satan.
Did you know many things in Christianity over took pagan holidays and or used from the culture to bring the message of the Gospel... Nothing supernatural happens when you needle a cross in your arm.

Your argument carries a lot of holes.
Roughsoul, tattoos carry a lot of holes! And according to the thread, Tattoos and Demon Possession, those holes do enable evil spirits to come in and take over. That's why you have such gross and nauseating tattoos and piercings multiplying all over the Western world.
It's almost always an act of rebellion, and as the Bible says is equivalent to witchcraft. You never see a true believer Christian as a tattoo artist, it just doesn't happen. Some of the scariest, most hellish figures and scenes are plentiful at a tattoo shop. It's like saying you want to cross over to the dark side. There could be exceptions to this but regardless the tattoo shop is like a massage parlor or whore house, it's walking into the darkness and is one of the gates to Satan.
Thanks again, John! Wonderful comment!

I wish God would open the blind eyes here so that they could really see.
The problem is that people don't want to OBEY GOD'S WORD. And they call themselves 'Christians'!!!
Do you not care about your brother???
I think, John, the sharp reactions and vicious language thrown at me for speaking the truth, indicates:
1. The Holy Spirit is agitating the hearts of those who feel offended.
2. It is now open for them to simply REPENT of their sin and turn to God.
3. I do care about the souls of those who are indulge in nasty vituperation against me. (The vile attacks are from Satan. These people are merely his dupes.) They must be freed. I want them saved! So brother, I think we should pray, yes PRAY, for them offline, and ask God to save at least a couple of them!
4. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of!"


New member
May 26, 2021
Rosemary, why are you trying to defend the indefensible? Tattoos are Satanic in origin. See my latest thread.

And I do have a humble heart. I am trying to help people understand that God is holy and righteous, even as He is gracious and merciful.

Isn't it better to confess our sin and repent and cry to God for deliverance? Even from this 'disease' of tattoos?
It's not just about the information that God gives you, it's how you use that information. Has knowing the Laws ever kept anyone from breaking them? We all know the Law, we all know right from wrong inherently, but does knowing the Law keep us from breaking it? Maybe instead of condemning people who have gotten tattoos maybe it would be more helpful if you talked about some of the Laws you've broken and the consequences of that?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2020
Why are you so touchy about tattoos? The Bible declares that tattoos are WICKED.
Why God says they are evil, why are you beating about the bush? Confess your sin and get right with God.
So tattoos are a trivial matter? Don't you know that your body (IF you are a true Christian) is the temple of the Holy Spirit?
Don't defile your body! Don't be a stooge of Satan.

Why this long discussion? Just REPENT and you will have the guilt rolled away. The blood is still available for cleansing.
you are a terribly judge mental person and speak in such a boastful tone you really shouldn’t speak this way about people

“Don't defile your body! Don't be a stooge of Satan.”

I will repeat what you have obviously not read before replying “ I’ve never had or desired to have a tatoo “ I think they are unattractive like graffiti on Gods masterpiece . But that’s my judgement for me.

my point to you is it’s far worse to judge someone by something like thier opinion about tatoos than to have a body covered in tatoos.

you really should consider what Jesus has to say and humble yourself , no one else can do that but you how do you stack up ?

“But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also.

Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again. And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them. And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.

And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall be given into your bosom.

For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.”
‭‭Luke‬ ‭6:27-38‬ ‭

I think given that our flesh is bound to decay and temporary a tatoo is far less important than anything in that example from the lords own words to anyone who would hear so you should consider

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.

And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?

Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:1-5‬ ‭KJV‬‬

Anyways , you seem to be particularly against tatoos so I will Let you preach about the deadly tatoo phase of salvation and damnation and find someone to discuss the gospel with I hope you consider what Jesus taught he is pretty wise and able to teach us salvstion but he never condemned anyone for a tatoo God bless
It's not just about the information that God gives you, it's how you use that information. Has knowing the Laws ever kept anyone from breaking them? We all know the Law, we all know right from wrong inherently, but does knowing the Law keep us from breaking it? Maybe instead of condemning people who have gotten tattoos maybe it would be more helpful if you talked about some of the Laws you've broken and the consequences of that?
I am not condemning people who got tattoos done out of ignorance.

When people on this site, instead of understanding how HOLY our God is, and reading & submitting to the Biblical injuctions AGAINST TATTOOS, start defending tattoos - it clearly shows that they don't want to accept the truth.
The right response would be: "You've written a very informative article on Tattoos. Let me check that out. I need to go to my Bible and see those references. That would have been a better response!"

Why this hue and cry? I am sure that if John the Baptist appeared on this earth in these last days and started preaching, the first people to stone him to death would be these purblind 'Christians'. Sad to say that just speaking the truth in this site appears to some to be offending their sensibilities. Then how can anyone be saved? Let them be upset. But let them also check out the article in private. Ask God to reveal the truth to them. If they are sincere and humble, God will!


Senior Member
Jul 2, 2011
The life of any who believe and emulate Jesus-Yeshua cannot be based on the law or seeking out the sin of another.

There are lesser sins than others, and I do not see anyone with a tattoo as being innately bad, now mass murderers are another story, not to mention thos who abuse family members.

A tattoo? Satanic? Only if it depicts giving glory to Satan, but as a simple embellishment it is no different than wearing lipsticks, and will no longer be come the resurrection, neither.

Let us practice sharing the mercy we have received and that which we have.

Share the Good News and do not search for bad news.
The life of any who believe and emulate Jesus-Yeshua cannot be based on the law or seeking out the sin of another.

There are lesser sins than others, and I do not see anyone with a tattoo as being innately bad, now mass murderers are another story, not to mention thos who abuse family members.
A tattoo? Satanic? Only if it depicts giving glory to Satan, but as a simple embellishment it is no different than wearing lipsticks, and will no longer be come the resurrection, neither.
Let us practice sharing the mercy we have received and that which we have.
Share the Good News and do not search for bad news.
Jaume, I suggest you visit the thread: Tattoos and Demon Possession.
Then you will know the truth.
It's not just about the information that God gives you, it's how you use that information. Has knowing the Laws ever kept anyone from breaking them? We all know the Law, we all know right from wrong inherently, but does knowing the Law keep us from breaking it? Maybe instead of condemning people who have gotten tattoos maybe it would be more helpful if you talked about some of the Laws you've broken and the consequences of that?
It has nothing to do with Law.
It's the truth that I am 'preaching'.
I suggest you see this thread.
Then you will know the gravity of the subject!



New member
May 26, 2021
Jaume, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
You claim to get direct messages from God the Holy Spirit.
You seem to discount the Word of God.

Your half-knowledge may suit some of the folks here, but one day you will have to stand before God and explain why you misled people, leading them away from the truth. Be a man! Stand for the truth! You are to live to please God, not those who are stubborn in supporting a Satanic practice.

May the Holy Spirit convict you in this matter. (P.S. I am praying for you, that you stop being a people-pleaser, and start living to please God. Study the entire Word, including Leviticus, my man, and God will help you!)
What do you think of lipstick for women? Or about pierced ears? Or women wearing pants?
Roughsoul, tattoos carry a lot of holes! And according to the thread, Tattoos and Demon Possession, those holes do enable evil spirits to come in and take over. That's why you have such gross and nauseating tattoos and piercings multiplying all over the Western world.
I don't think it has anything to do with the holes, it has to do with the intent. It's often about glorifying pain and your ability to withstand it (kind of what the Passion of the Christ did) and what often goes along with this "mood" are hellish figures and scenes, and the stronger Christian you are the more you realize it's not the path that a Christian should go down. I do think that getting a tattoo is often one of the things that those that are demon possessed or controlled enjoy and participate in and use in their rebellion but just because you have a tattoo doesn't mean you're demon possessed.


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2019
Jennifer, just a suggestion. John Cleese, poor man, ended up losing his wife. Monty Python arguments are just media propaganda.
Learn to think for yourself.
Did he lose his wife to death or divorce? Sad, either way.

Everything can be propaganda. What's interesting is Monty Python often made fun of the things that, nowadays, would get them "canceled". Like the skit where Cleese tells another man he can't have babies because he "doesn't have a womb". They were occasionally vulgar, true. But they weren't afraid to be non-pc.

Think for myself? Just because I share an amusing clip doesn't mean I don't. Boy, you sure have a lot of false assumptions.
Did he lose his wife to death or divorce? Sad, either way.

Everything can be propaganda. What's interesting is Monty Python often made fun of the things that, nowadays, would get them "canceled". Like the skit where Cleese tells another man he can't have babies because he "doesn't have a womb". They were occasionally vulgar, true. But they weren't afraid to be non-pc.

Think for myself? Just because I share an amusing clip doesn't mean I don't. Boy, you sure have a lot of false assumptions.
Cleese is just a stooge; part of BBC propaganda. He tried his bit at savage clowning, and poked fun at others. But things boomeranged, and his wife divorced him after 16 years. Men become victims of the propaganda parts they play! "All the world's a stage...etc, etc."