Am I still tempted with sinful things? Yes, of course I am. Find me one passage in the bible that says coming to God means youll never be tempted by anything. Im as tempted by homosexuality and transgenderism as much as I am to be greedy and keep my money all to myself, to steal, to lie, to cheat, to say bad things about people, to get drunk, to do all kinds of evil things. The whole point is to say no to temptation and become strong against them, not to never ever be tempted ever, that not going to happen in this life. Remember the story of Jesus in the desert? He was lead to satan to be tempted, just like all of man is. And he refused everyone of them. We have that ability too.
There is a difference between being tempted by something and actually not being able to stop it. There are people who are turned on by things like oral sex, but God calls it unclean, its perverting what He made for your own pleasure, and it offends Him. When you actually allow yourself to fight it and not let yourself enjoy it, like all Christians are told to do, you become stronger against it.
But yeah, like all humans, like Jesus Himself, I deal with temptations. But no one is forcing me to act out on them. Thats a personal choice that you do on your own will.
And if you think that that is a fundamental part of who you are, then you should say that about anyone tempted with evil. The desire to torture and kill should be called a fundamental part of a serial killer. The hatred racist people feel must be a fundamental part of who they are too. We should never say homosexuality is okay in anyway, it makes us feel safe and comforted by it.