Wow! That was so powerful. Thank you. I've been married twice. Both husbands were unfaithful to me. I didn't think I'd get into another relationship, but I was looking for a friend because I was lonely, and this guy who seemed so perfect, except for not being a Christian (and how can I even call that perfect?), drew me in. And I'm sure you've seen my other posts, that he broke up with me the day after New Year's because his ex-wife wanted him back. I've been so devastated. But what it makes me worry about is that I will get into another relationship when I just really need to focus on God and my family. Anyhow, your words are encouraging. I am still struggling with the pain of the breakup, but I appreciate you helping me get in the right mind. I'm working on it.
Raceboy, it's great that you're reaching out and praying about this. I wish with all my heart that I'd waited for the right man to be my husband. If you do decide on marriage, make sure to find someone who's equally yoked. God gave us good guidelines. They can save you from a lot of pain. I'm joining you in prayer. God bless!
Raceboy, it's great that you're reaching out and praying about this. I wish with all my heart that I'd waited for the right man to be my husband. If you do decide on marriage, make sure to find someone who's equally yoked. God gave us good guidelines. They can save you from a lot of pain. I'm joining you in prayer. God bless!
I'm glad that my experiences and words have found a way to your heart. I know that it is hard, but if you can find a way to completely dedicate yourself to God, that would always be best. If I were you, I'd get a timeline, chronological reading plan of the entire Bible and read it as the actual story that it is. Once you read the Bible as if it were a regular "book," I think that you'll be hooked and want to read it all over again . . . the next time maybe twice as fast. There are so many stories that when you read them in the order that they actually took place, you become hooked . . . like it's the most amazing and dramatic story ever told. I'll never forget my first read through it (only a few years ago) and while I loved it, I was bummed that once I finished the Old Testament, I could never go back and experience again as I did the first read through. It was so exciting to NOT know what was going to happen on the next page. Once you get into the reign of the kinds, gosh, the stories come and go so fast . . . and they're so extreme! More than anything, though, if you recognize that we're supposed to be focusing on the Power of God, it will become even more meaningful. He often says, "Then they will know that I am the Lord their God!" Power . . . Power . . . Power. And that Power is real! That God Truly does exist. I've felt it.
Much respect and sympathy for your stuggles.
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