"Spirituality is unique to each individual, and refers to the deepest part of you. Your spirit provides you with the revealing sense of who you are, why you are here and what your purpose for living is."
'Praise God'
"Intellectual growth is of value, and spiritual growth is considered essential,
so long as one professes of Christ as part of ones life, here in the now."
'Praise God'
"The true meaning of spirituality is that it is way of life that gives proper value to the spiritual dimension of our existence and creation. This means that we acknowledge the primacy of the spiritual in our life, its essentiality, and its finality, and act accordingly."
'Praise God'
"The reason people will accept a lie or a myth sooner than the Truth is that if they accept the Truth then they must also accept the responsibilities that the Truth attends."
"The 'Man Mind' of illusions and imagination are without end, bringing cause of
'delirious' self justification when confronted with reality of truth, as truth often
more of great anguish than lies of deception."
'Praise God'
"Self-centeredness has a way of polluting the spiritual aspect of God's
'inspiration' in living life in the now, and...with this disorder, one shall be
unable to please God, accordingly."
'Praise God'
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
'Praise God'
"Our lives are not determined by what happens to us but how we react to what happens, not by what life brings us but the attitude we bring to life.”
'Praise God'
Rut roh, now I am analyzing your thoughts. Lol, see my perplexity, lol