Search results for query: Mark of the beast

  1. The following words were not included in your search because they are too short, too long, or too common: of, the
  1. S

    Hamas leadership sacrifices civilians to their cause. stake until the war of armegeddon.It is at that time that the nations take Jerusalem and overflow Israel .That does not take place untill everyone in Israel has received the mark of the beast and the Christians there have been murdered for their testimony. Still several.years before the end.
  2. cv5

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...their wars and align with this supposedly all-powerful unkillable beast (the greater Goliath) and give him their power 5) THEN the mark of the beast is imposed 6) THEN the persecution of the saints and Israel begins in earnest 7) THEN mercies and longsuffering end and God unleashes full fury...
  3. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...situation, and how soon we are to an internal revolution in the US along with the beast system and complete control with the mark of the beast. We know they have thousands of guillotines to kill the Lord's people on. So it is just like Esther. Meanwhile what is organized Christianity...
  4. S

    Help: Israelite-specific as applicable to Christians.

    It's about the Israelites in the land of Canaan. The majority of the people in the land of Israel don't do any of those things they are commanded.That is why they will be destroyed off the land.A small remnant(in Christ) does love the Lord God and fear him in the land he sware to give to...
  5. Musicmaster

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I never said that you stated such. Please read what I actually said, which is that whatever you and others believe, if you all want to stay, then go for it. Whatever... Yes, I've seen this misapplication of the day and thousand years nonsense before, and will continue to see it from those...
  6. FollowerofShiloh

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    I have never once said anyone goes through the entire Tribulation. You speak so many idle words that you probably should take your Greek Texts and study what happens to those who use them on a daily basis. If you couldn't tell false truths you would literally have nothing to ever say. Read...
  7. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...all the earth", Esther was about that, the Holocaust was about that. The hour of temptation means you will be tempted to take the mark of the beast. Think about Germans were tempted to join the Gestapo. Germans were tempted to rat out Jews and loot their homes. 26 And Jehovah spake unto...
  8. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    The Mark of the Beast is NOT What You Think… | Billy Crone
  9. I

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    At last, we have someone who can explain the book of revelation! How do you read the following verses given that the end of the world has taken place. These passages indicate the end occurs during the third woe. Romans 11 14 The second woe has passed; behold, the third woe is coming quickly...
  10. cv5

    Mike Winger's "Why I think Calvinism is Unbiblical"

    ...death shall flee from them. God suspends death for five months (while they are in torments of pain - this occurring BEFORE the mark of the beast is imposed) as a MERCY to the earth dwellers. Why? So that they recognize the dire implications of this: Rev 14:9 And the third angel followed...
  11. M

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Continued from above post When the world takes the mark of the beast then salvation is no longer available to mankind which is a microchip, or something that is small that can receive a signal from a satellite to keep track of the people to deter crime. Which United Nations Agenda 21 is to...
  12. M

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...the world 7 years to have their way, and cause all people who do not love Him to follow the New Age Christ, and when they take the mark of the beast then salvation is no longer available to the world, and He will end sin on earth. Which the devils can work in the world more than they could...
  13. Webers.Home

    Tribulation Outtakes

    . Mark 3:29 is often said to be "the" unpardonable sin. There are others; for example the mark of the Beast is lethal too. ● Rev 14:9-11 . . And another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice: If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead...
  14. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    This is what the Mark of the Beast Looks Like 05/30/2024
  15. ZNP

    Summary of Bible references on the Rapture

    ...tribulation! It is a lot easier to reject the worship of the Christmas tree and Santa Claus but the concept is the same. Take the mark of the beast or else you won't get any presents, you can't buy or sell. In conclusion from day 1 with Enoch he is prophesying of the Lord's second coming and...
  16. Solemateleft

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    The end game for myself and all the Christian Patriots is ultimately our salvation – thru our personal sacrifices and efforts to take up the full armor of God in this Biblical War between Good (followers of Christ) and Evil (followers of those who follow Satan). We Christian Patriots (Truthers...
  17. ZNP

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence chess, fine, what is your end game? Are you going to stop one world government with a CBDC and a chip that we refer to as the mark of the beast? No. Are you going to stop the Antichrist taking power with absolute power? No. In the last 3 1/2 years what have you accomplished? You have...
  18. cv5

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    ...their wars and align with this supposedly all-powerful unkillable beast (the greater Goliath) and give him their power 5) THEN the mark of the beast is imposed 6) THEN the persecution of the saints and Israel begins in earnest 7) THEN mercies and longsuffering end and God unleashes full fury...
  19. AlwaysCurious

    The killer flaw in pre-tribulation rapture doctrine

    Great answer! Here is how think the time will be shortened. We all know that in the past God has; a) stopped the earth’s spin and b) reversed the earth’s spin, so what I’m proposing here is not beyond reason. Half-way into the 7 Year/2520 day Tribulation Period: The earth’s rate of spin will...
  20. ZNP

    NEW CC Perspectives on Levels of Conspiracy & Corruption in 2020 Election, CV19 & DS Existence

    ...Lord. Jesus Christ is the only way. David, Jacob, and Moses all understood that. Peter and Paul understood that. Trump, Biden, Obama, Clinton, Hitler, and Stalin don't. You have no end game. You can't stop AI. You can't stop one world government with the mark of the Beast and the Antichrist.