Search results for query: thief

  1. T

    God`s Appointed Time for the Rapture.

    Right! (y) Agreed! (y) (with your entire post) One tiny note I'll make on this part, where you said: Right! (y) And I'm always pointing out how Paul is saying here (in 1Th5:1-3) that "the day of the Lord" will ARRIVE "exactly like [hosper]" the INITIAL "birth PANG [SINGULAR]" that...
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    Will There Be A Rapture?

    ..."idea" on this particular Subject); [again... consider the above] Consider: --Jesus Himself INDEED says that HE HIMSELF "[I come] AS A THIEF. [period]" (Rev16), speaking of His Second Coming to the earth, Rev19... FOR the promised and prophesied EARTHLY Millennial Kingdom age which will...
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    Will there be a fourth temple in Jerusalem?

    VERSE 12 (you didn't quote ^ ) goes on to say, "wherein the heavens being on fire SHALL BE DISSOLVED..." (I point this out for the purpose of explaining further, below)... Okay, (if I'm understanding you correctly)... Peter, in 2Pet3:10-13, is drawing [some of] this wording FROM ISAIAH 34:4...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...will be sounded at that time (per the parallel passages: Matt24:29-31 / Isa27:9,12-13). I see Rev16:15-16's wording "Behold, *I* come AS A THIEF. [period]" being in the CONTEXT (of wording also) pertaining to the "Armageddon" time-slot (Second Coming / Armageddon time-slot, being precisely...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    ...problematic to readers of the text in 1Th5:1-3 who have no qualms about changing the text there to say (instead), "THE LORD so cometh as a thief in the night". But the text does NOT say that. It says, "the DAY of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night"... (i.e. A TIME PERIOD which...
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    The thing which arrives "like a thief IN THE NIGHT" is the earthly-located TIME-PERIOD we commonly call the Tribulation Period (judgments unfolding upon the earth over the course of "2520 days" leading up to His [Personal] "RETURN" to the earth). He Himself comes "like a thief. [period]"...
  7. T

    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    Per Scripture itself, the "IT" in your sentence (referencing that which will not over take believers "as a thief in the night"--1Th5's context) is not "the return of Christ" (as many suppose--or in any form one would prefer to surmise [as in your view--the 70ad events])... ... but rather, as...
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    Revelation: A Cyclical View

    The thing that arrives "as a thief IN THE NIGHT" is the (earthly-located) TIME-PERIOD [not "our Rapture [in the air]"], and the Thessalonians "KNEW[/KNOW] PERFECTLY" this fact (per 1Th5:1-3), as Paul readily acknowledged of them, and said he had no need to write them regarding it. Also, the...
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    The "others" crucified with Christ

    ...the reviling and the mocking" vv.39-44]) ____________ As for @Pilgrimshope 's Post #13, I can see the picture in my mind just so: --one thief on either side of Him [totaling 2]; --one malefactor on either side of Him [totaling 2 others]; --this is why John 19:18 can say, "where they...
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    The church, Paul agrees, Post Tribulation.

    ...this subject out. We aren't simply conducting the "stab-and-grab" method. :) Note carefully that it is the TIME-PERIOD that arrives "as a thief IN THE NIGHT"; Not Jesus Himself. but whenever Scripture declares such a phrase when speaking of JESUS HIMSELF / HIS OWN PERSONAL PRESENCE, it...
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    There will be no Rapture!!!

    The texts where the phrase "IN THE NIGHT" are used (with "like a thief"), it is referring to the arrival of A TIME-PERIOD (earthly-located, of much duration, with MUCH that will transpire WITHIN it!); Wherever the texts are speaking of JESUS HIMSELF [/ HIS PERSON] (with the phrase "like a...
  12. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    "The day of the Lord" (earthly-located time period consisting of "judgments" unfolding [AC being the first of those]) is what will arrive "as a thief in the night".
  13. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    Paul had said (1Th5:1-3) "THE DAY OF THE LORD so cometh [/arrives] as a thief IN THE NIGHT..." "the DOTL" is an earthly-located time period of much duration, that is comprised of "judgments" unfolding upon the earth (over some time!) and then "blessings" (over some time!)--ALL that!... IOW...
  14. T

    There will be no Rapture!!!

    It seems you are defining the arrival [/coming] of "the day of the Lord" AS "Christ's RETURN". That's not exactly correct. Amos 5:18a - "Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? [...]" In 1Th5:1-3, Paul GOES ON to say, that its arrival is... "exactly like...
  15. T

    Pre-Trib/Mid/Post Trib? We will know for sure (?) in a couple months

    ...letter to them, Paul had acknowledged that the Thessalonians "KNOW PERFECTLY" that the ARRIVAL of "the day of the Lord" shall come "like a thief IN THE NIGHT," and which Paul explains will be "exactly like" the INITIAL "birth pang" that comes upon a woman with child (and that those are...
  16. T

    Rapture True or False.

    When reading what Peter wrote in 2 Peter 3, which you've quoted above, I always recommend that people read both chapters of Isaiah 34-35 (2 chpts which form one prophecy) to grasp the whole picture of what it is that Peter is speaking of, when referencing Isa34:4... as opposed to our simply...
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    Any Post or Non-Tribbers in Here?

    ...when Jesus will "STAND to JUDGE" [Isa3:13, Rev5:6, etc]). In 1Th5:1-3, Paul says the Thessalonians "KNOW PERFECTLY" that "the day of the Lord" (earthly-located TIME-PERIOD consisting of JUDGMENTs unfolding upon the earth) ARRIVES like a thief "IN THE NIGHT". [2Th2... he elaborates further...]
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    CJ Lovik with another prophecy backing up his 2030 return of Jesus

    ...he will RETURN FROM the wedding" i.e. as an ALREADY-WED Bridegroom!!), "And this know, that if the goodman of the house had known what hour the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken through"... implying that by this point, the "hour" should be...
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    Can a Christian lose salvation?

    ...sold for three hundred denariib and the money given to the poor?” 6Judas did not say this because he cared about the poor, but because he was a thief. As keeper of the money bag, he used to take from what was put into it. :unsure: (sounds like this was taking place well-before the...
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    Conclusion From Beware the Pseudo-Rapture Doctrine 4

    I acknowledged that many have been taught a poor [i.e. INCORRECT] version of "pre-trib"... A version which states that "our Rapture" event is being referred to in Jesus' Olivet Discourse... but the fact is that "our Rapture" event was NOT the Subject of Jesus' Olivet Discourse and cannot be...