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  1. pickles

    Jesus is map quest...., no He is much more...

    Ok, I know a cheesy statement. :) But I have been trying to figure out how to sum up how Jesus works in our lives when it come to the debates about the law, or works, or many other topics here. We had a guest in our home tonight, and he found the way here by useing map quest. I realised that in...
  2. pickles

    Help with chickens?

    Ok, so the chickens we got last year are all fat , happy and producing plenty of eggs. :) My daughter felt they were doing so well that with out warning she brought home three more young clucks.:) After some adjustment they are doing well, also beginning to produce more eggs. :) Two weeks ago...
  3. pickles

    Anyone know how to make a natural home made deodorant?

    Ive heard there are good recipes out there for home made deodorant. I was wondering if any here have made and tried them, and how well they have worked. The most important part is natural, and works well. :) Thankyou so much. :) God bless pickles
  4. pickles

    Lay one's life down for another...

    Scripture says there is no greater act than to lay one's life down for the sake of another. So, I have wondered, if one knows another, who needs a heart, and has not yet recieived Jesus.... Would it be wrong for the person who does know Jesus, to give up their heart, life so the other may live...
  5. pickles

    the good news!!!!

    In a world of so much that is about who is decieving who. Where religion has become the great debate as to what is the truth? Where so much is falling into hate, corruption and destruction? Where even we, who say we are christians, cannot seem to agree on what is the truth sometimes. It seems we...
  6. pickles

    A little prayer for a bundle of joy

    My daughter is expecting her second child soon. :) There is a concern, as the baby is still in the breach position. If the little guy does not turn soon, the drs will attempt to turn him. Please pray with me in Jesus's name, that this little bundle will turn as he should and all will go well...
  7. pickles

    A friend, her husband and family...

    Please pray for her husband as a recent check up has shown the possibuility of rectal cancer, he will be sceg. for surgury soon. It was this very time last year when I asked for prayer for her son, as he had been diagnosed with cancer. Praise God he was compleatly healed! Thankyou so much again...
  8. pickles

    Heaven is for real....

    Have any of you seen the movie, heaven is for real? I just watched it and have mixed feelings about it, and the face of Jesus shown , one has to wonder in faith. God bless pickles
  9. pickles

    Freedom from slavery....

    Lately, the world seems to try and bring us all into slavery. For some, the overwhelming laws passed, Maby for another, its is their job, Could be oppression from a family member... critisizm run rampant, demands overwhelming.. Maby its simply all of the above and more. I prayed often, asking...
  10. pickles

    Fires in washington state..

    I just wanted to ask prayer for rain and prayers for the state of washington. The fires are the worst Ive ever seen here in all my life. More people have lost their homes than can be counted now, and there seems no end in sight. I can see the smoke plumes from my home , they reach so very high...
  11. pickles

    update on hands

    Just wanted to update as I saw my reumatologist as to wether I have developed R.A. At this time dr does not think so, but has not ruled it out, will still only say some kind of auto immune issue. Seems this is the answer to all my medical lately. :( Part of the issue is my family runs ana...
  12. pickles

    skin sores, any help?

    From an earlyer post some of you have seen, you know I have been battling these for a while. I see the dermatologist again tomorrow, buit still no real asnwers except something auto-immune. It has been almost a year now, and Im tired of not having any real answers or results. Now I know none...
  13. pickles

    Denying Jesus.....

    This came as a question last night when watching the news. They were reporting about how churches, that were used for graduations, were now required to cover the cross or any religious signs. On one hand, one could say this does not matter for holding any sign as valued, well, one could...
  14. pickles

    Pondering simularities ????:)

    We have all often seen the debates about law bringing us to the law of love and grace in Jesus. Lately, I have been pondering, considering the same about knowladge. Not that knowladge is bad, but, it was the desire of God's knowladge that brought Adam and eve to sin, the temtpation of such...
  15. pickles

    Keep your eyes on me.

    Jesus asked us to keep our eyes on Him. I sometimes wonder if we forget just how important this is. Too often we look to all that is going wrong in the world, our lives. Or more often, to who or what is wrong. :) Now this is not to say pointing out deception is wrong, for this is also...
  16. pickles

    A bit of prayer needed...

    Seems all is like Paul spoke to, that our flesh does seem to perish as Jesus's spirit increaces in us. :) In the last week I have noticed the joints in my fingers starting to grow into unusual or larger shapes. May now be developing rheumatoid arthritis now as well. Please, just keep me in...
  17. pickles

    lifting up my SIL

    I ask please that you join my in lifting up my sister in law for all healing and salvation renewed. She is in the hospital battleing many serious and life threatening health issues. The possibuilty of her not surviving is high. She had accepted Jesus many years ago, but has not been commited...
  18. pickles

    What is it to grieve the....

    This question is very important to me so please refrain from debates if possible. In scripture it states we are to not grieve the Holy Spirit. So I ask simply? How can or what do we do, that would grieve the Holy Spirit? Please keep answers to short responces if possible, as long ones just...
  19. pickles

    He already has!

    Often, I see many ask why God has not destroyed evil, why hasn't He removed it from the world? I was asking myself the other day,actually, more a question about how to answer this question. When I looked to the bible in hope of finding the answer, I realized the answer is the bible. From...
  20. pickles


    I once thought mercy was about looking at the person and seeing why they did what they did when it came to sin. Or maby the person who was begging, that one helped because they had some bad luck, and one should show mercy and help them. Maby the person who asked for help, was deserving because...