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  1. pickles

    severe ear infection, an amazing healing.....

    I wanted to post this for any who have battled severe ear infections. I had one that was severe, and lasted over a year. Dr had tried everything, and nothing worked untill I learned about these two products for treament. The first is sept seed oil , and the second was garlic and mulin oil...
  2. pickles

    Oh what a feast!!!!!

    What joy the scriptures bring us, a meal with out end, a table filled overflowing, so much so that one will never hunger again!!! I had foolishly forgotten this, in the last several months my life filled with so much, I justified not taking the time I used to, telling myself that it was ok to...
  3. pickles

    Something that caused me to wonder.....

    There have been several posts about adam and eve, many saying eve was deceived and adam disobeyed God ect.... I never thought alot about it much, as sin was sin, and it began with them, and praise God! ended with Jesus's sacrifice. But the other night, as I was reading the bible, this thought...
  4. pickles

    What happened to the good news?

    Seems lately, with all the on going debates, debunks, corrections, condemnations..... That maby we have all lost sight. I remembered where Paul said we are not of a spirit that discourages, but of a Spirit that encourages! Reading also scripture where Jesus said He would not alow any to take...
  5. pickles

    can someone post pictures of....

    a few more :) somehow did a repeat, but hope you enjoy! :) God bless pickles
  6. pickles

    can someone post pictures of....

    Not sure how well this will work, as Im not very good at posting photos, these are all from my garden. :)
  7. pickles

    update on arms

    Sorry it took so long, but just wanted to update on results from tests on my hand and elbo issues. Dr says its severe tendonitis, brusitis, osteo-arthritis and gout, simply said, ageing is a challange. :) Have had cortizone shots again, but this option is now limited. Ive decided to put my trust...
  8. pickles

    Any new ideas???

    I suffer from dry mouth, eyes, skin, all is always a battle but have had some success. :) I was wondering if any here had any ideas for cracking fingers, mainly around the fingernail? Have tried several things, the lastest moisterizing hands then wearing gloves..... Did not work so well as I had...
  9. pickles


    There was a huge mudslide in our state today. 4 dead, 8 injured, possible still some under the slide possible. One of the injured is a 6 month old baby. :( It not far from where I live, so close to heart as consider all there our neighbors. The mud has blocked a major river and there is great...
  10. pickles

    God is amazing!

    God is amazing! :) One cannot help but wonder at how amazing God Our Father is. :) We all so often run here and there, as one says, here is the way to Jesus, another says , no here is the way, another says, this way, here is the way! All believing its about what we do or where we go to get...
  11. pickles

    Prayer support

    There is a great sorrow that visits my life from time to time. I have come to realise that this person may always continue to return from time to time in this. Please in agreement and support, pray for the person involved, for healing of their heart , mind and soul. And that I will continue to...
  12. pickles

    All praise!!!

    Just wanted to ask all here to offer up praise and thanksgiving for the safe delivery of my twin grandchildren! After 58 hours of labor and a c-cection these two sweet children finally arrived healthy and a both over 7&1/2 lbs. My daughter in law is doing well, but a bit tired of course. Please...
  13. pickles

    Humility, how important is it?

    When it comes to humility, I often look to when Jesus washed the feet of the apostles. I ponder often why Jesus told them in time you will understand. God has been humbling me alot lately, almost to the place of understanding Job, just a glimce though. Having alot taken from one is never easy...
  14. pickles

    simple Prayer

    Well, I finally had the mri done today on both my arms, will hear results in about three days. Simply asking for prayer that what ever the outcome, God will guide me in all. :) Thankyou all God bless pickles
  15. pickles

    In the world you have tribulation.....

    Jesus said,"In the world you have tribulation, but take courage, I have overcome the world!" Ive been thinking about this scripture, Jesus's words, for some time . I took courage from His words, when it came to the familier struggles and struggles of the world. But only recently has Jesus's...
  16. pickles

    Please pray with me in Jesus's name...

    Father in heaven, we set every prayer request here before you in Jesus's name. Every person, every need, every healing, every sorrow, every dispair, every doubt, every desire, every praise. We praise you Father in heaven for knowing all set before you. We praise you Father for hearing every cry...
  17. pickles

    It is in our weaknesses that God's power is made perfect, glorified!

    This scripture has brought me great comfort lately.:) For it speaks to so much, it humbles us, comforts us, encourages us, and always glorifies God! It has comforted me alot lately as due to some medical stuff with my hands Ive been unable to post here for some time and limited much in my every...
  18. pickles

    continued prsay please

    Im so sorry I have not been here lately. My hands have not been doing too well, have lost some use of my left hand and Im a lefty, so this has been a struggle. I am thankfull though, that my right hand was doing better today, so able to do some right handed posting. :) I just wanted to ask for...
  19. pickles

    simple prayer asked

    My hands and arms are getting bad again, making it hard for me to do the things I need and love to do. So I simply ask if you all woud please come together with me in agreement in Jesus's name for all healing of the causes compleatly with out surgury. Thankyou all so much. :) God bless pickles
  20. pickles


    Poverbs 3;5 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not on thine own understanding. Do we live this word when we look to scripture? Is it meant for scripture, or more? I have often wondered about this scripture, I remember the first time I heard it, and was humbled. I believe there is...