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  1. JTB

    When was the last time you drank a 7up.

    I ONLY drink 7 UP. That sierra mist and sprite garbage are horrible imitators.
  2. JTB


    Yes many are giving up their faith. They say it doesn't work, isn't relevant any more, etc. What I would ask is, why are so many Christians giving up on the doctrines of faith, while claiming to still cling to it? IE, why do so many who claim the faith embrace mammon worship, self-idolatry...
  3. JTB

    What is your gospel?

    Exactly. The 'gospels' are thought to be confined to be the story of Christ, but the story of Christ is the redemption of all creation. And every time we act according to His will, we are acting out a part in that redemption. If one believes the Gospel is Jesus' life and sacrifice, then one...
  4. JTB

    What is your gospel?

    Thank you
  5. JTB

    What is your gospel?

    You guys never disappoint! You always dodge the question, but you never disappoint!
  6. JTB

    What is your gospel?

    This (A) Or this (B) Matthew 5: 38You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39But I tell you not to resist an evil person. If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also; 40if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your...
  7. JTB

    Yet another shooting

    This carnage will only stop in two ways 1. We learn to love our neighbors more than we love our guns ( I would venture to say that most of these shooters feel unloved) 2. Jesus returns
  8. JTB

    2 Thessalonians consideration

    True, but would you say the scale today is greater than it has ever been?
  9. JTB

    2 Thessalonians consideration

    Could that be related to this?
  10. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    You can't say it. I can, I do love you Gojira. and all my brothers and sisters. That is why it concerns me to see so many of them being drawn away from God's Ways. Way no. 1 Love Him. Way number 2 Love others. But you can't say it, can't do it. And that illustrates my point. You think...
  11. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    We're past trump. We're to you and me. Didn't Jesus teach us we are to love one another, even love our enemies? So answer the question, do you love me. I don't care is a no.
  12. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    You missed the more important question
  13. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    I'm pretty sure I know where this is going to go, but I have a right to address your charges of stupidity and lack of wisdom against me. A few years back my wife and I were cognitively tested. This was a multitude of tests given over several days administered by a psychiatrist. In the end, I...
  14. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    Do you love me?
  15. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    Still not seeing any fruit here.
  16. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    The list of the fruit of the Holy Spirit IS scripture ... not sure why you discount it. That's like a pilot saying he doesn't need his aircraft checklist.
  17. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    Well I agree with you about many non-believers putting believers to shame. Especially these days But how do you tell the false teachers and their followers from the true ones?
  18. JTB

    Fruit and politics

    This applies to both false and true 'believers'. That's the point of the list, to help discern between those who are false and those who are true. If your actions agree with the items on the list, you are true. If they don't, you're false. And why would God give us a checklist if He didn't...
  19. JTB

    The new generation

    Love your tag line at the bottom. "If only we fought just as hard to understand as we do to disagree. 'Unknown" Kinda goes along with truth only being available to those who are willing to question what they think they know.