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  1. Nautilus

    My new picture...

    I was going to post a picture of my face just so people knew what it looked like, but the vicious beast who is now my avatar headbutted me in the nose while playing and now im holding about a pound of tissues and ice to staunch the bleeding. So i figured she earned the spot instead.
  2. Nautilus

    supreme court to take on gay marriage

    Supreme Court to take up same-sex marriage Hopefully they decide to move this country in the right direction because while the bible is against gays, this country isnt governed by the bible no matter how much some want it to be.
  3. Nautilus

    I may not like the man much, but sometimes Christians can learn from Pat Robertson

    Pat Robertson Dispels Creationist Idea That Earth Is 6,000 Years Old (VIDEO)
  4. Nautilus

    A glaring problem with modern christianity

    Pat Robertson is officially off his rocker and yet still one of the most prominent Christians that are active in the media. Every wonder why people crack jokes and don't take Christians seriously? Well it's because when famous ones say nutjob stuff like this:
  5. Nautilus


    So Obama won, praise God. Time for four more years of progress not 50 years of backsliding.
  6. Nautilus

    Church Restrictions?

    Ok I don't want to derail another thread so I will ask here. A poster mentioned that her church does not allow them to date until 18? Is this a common thing of individual churches denying things to members? Im assuming its probably more common in charismatic congregations. Anyone else have...
  7. Nautilus

    A good luck into Obama's Christianity and why the Religious right doubts it.

    The Gospel according to Obama – CNN Belief Blog - Blogs My favorite part: Obama talked about his approach to the Bible: “Which passages of Scripture should guide our public policy? Should we go with Leviticus, which suggests slavery is OK and that eating shellfish is...
  8. Nautilus

    Focus on the Family proven to be fearmongers

    I don't know how many have read the letter from Focus on the Family about what America would look like after the first four years of Obama's presidency, but it was a a hilarious collection of fears and now falsehoods. Here is a scorecard of all 34 predictions Focus on the Family made. You...
  9. Nautilus

    Extremists Chase Some Republicans Toward Obama

    'Extremists' chase some Republicans toward Obama - Washington Times Well thankfully some people are seeing things clearly.
  10. Nautilus

    Quiet Days

    Real quiet friday on the forum just wondering what people all had to do tonight? I know ive ben away most of the day.
  11. Nautilus

    I think more people should watch this

    I saw this video because of a link someone else posted I watched and this was one of those youtube recommended videos on the side. But I really struck a chord and I think it would be good for everyone even just as a reminder sometimes:
  12. Nautilus

    Starting Over?

    So I am at a point in my life...I'm 28 Year sold. I was engaged back when I was tewnty-five,(I caught her cheating on me) and since then I have been indifferent to the idea of dating and pretty dismissive towards women in general. I don;t mind female friends or dating but I don;t open myself...
  13. Nautilus

    Do we really need four simultaneous threads discussing Old vs New covenant theologies

    Seriously there are three-five threads on the first page discussing this. It could all go into one thread, please use sense when making more...
  14. Nautilus

    Classiest Flash Mob Ever
  15. Nautilus

    Who Am I Frozencore
  16. Nautilus

    Tips for Dating from me :)

    I've seen a lot of threads talking about people having a hard time finding relationships and dates, figured I would put some advice out there for anyone interested. Or just for fun, your choice what to do with it. -You can NOT get back with your ex. Don't try it. It ended for a reason. -The...