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  1. Guardian1970

    Flesh vs Spirit

    It is true! Roman’s 3-28 For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from works of the Law. By faith you are saved and not under the law. However, it is also written For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light (for the fruit of the light...
  2. Guardian1970

    Flesh vs Spirit

    I know what you are saying, but you can sit in a church and hear the same thing. Have the same temptations. Drugs are everywhere, sin is everywhere as is temptation. I would say the person should ensure they are deep in the Lord before they face their previous weakness. However, That’s also...
  3. Guardian1970

    Flesh vs Spirit

    We show it by our love as you have said. By being there, for those who are in need. For those who are widowed. The poor, the blind, the deaf. All the people the Lord identified. Inside the body or out.
  4. Guardian1970

    Flesh vs Spirit

    Brother and Sisters, Without the law there is no right or wrong. The law exists so that one may know how to please God and what is Good, only God, and evil. The Lord said, a day will come when you will neighter worship on this mountain or in Jerusalem (the temple). Because God is Spirit...
  5. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    How does the body work though? Does the hand move on its own? Or the leg walk without the foot? It cannot move without the eye which sees. When it speaks where does the wisdom and all these actions come from? Then when it moves does each part move on its own doing what it wants? Or does it...
  6. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    Yes, God makes men priests. All who are saved and given the Holy Spirit should be guided by the Spirit to do the Lord’s will. An eye cannot be a foot, nor a hand be an ear. Remember it is written, and true, the gate to destruction is wide and easy many go through it. The gate to salvation is...
  7. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    That is why it is written, when you seek me, you will find me, when you seek me with all of your heart! He doesn’t want Luke warm following or dedication, pick up your cross and flow Him. Would you want a spouse that only comes home half the time and only talks to you when they want something?
  8. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    The key is this, walking in the Spirit, if we seek God with a true heart to serve. As one seeks the love of their life. They will do as it is written pray continually, read and pray for understanding. Ask God for His guidance on all things, fast, study. Then He will draw you in even...
  9. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    What the is the true priesthood you ask? It is the Holy Spirit, He is a force multiplier. Like a Green Beret. He goes in, reaches, assesses, trains, equips and then releases them to go and make more of them. Not by mans understanding or choices, but by God’s.
  10. Guardian1970

    Pastoral requirements

    The true church is not a few people leading many. It is many people lead by one. The High Priest who will lead all into the truth if they will seek Him and His will.
  11. Guardian1970

    Who Leads

    Who leads Christ’s church? Man or God? Who makes men priests? How? For from where does knowledge and wisdom come? Who seeks the keeper of that knowledge and for what purpose? Religion is of man and so is the teaching. True faith and salvation is of God through His son Jesus, the Christ...
  12. Guardian1970

    Pastoral requirements

    The answer to your question about minimum is this, as others below have said simply put, you must be born of the water and Spirit. That is the wish to have. Should have? Humility that comes from knowing how much of a sinner you are. That you repent of those sins and seek His face and Will...
  13. Guardian1970

    I have a question

    Interesting question, this is well thought out. As if a test, I never liked tests. If one is “abused” then by nature one knows what is right and what is wrong. To judge fairly on this matter clarity on what that abuse is would be needed. If you know what an abuser is and what is right and...
  14. Guardian1970

    Religious Tithing

    Who will pay the bills? Who will lead? Who will care for the widowed? The ones who always pay and give. The body of true believers in Christ. Who are giving anyway. Who don’t wait till Sunday to “do God’s will”. Or wait till the beckon of a leader who wants gas in his car, or his bills...
  15. Guardian1970

    Quid est Veritas?

    Hoc est verum ! Grace was not given to enable you to live life in sin and abolish or ignore the law. Rather it was given to empower you in and through His Holy Spirit presence and Word to overcome sin and keep it! Because where there is light there cannot be dark they are opposites. Where...
  16. Guardian1970

    Sabbath and the Law final

    Amen, love thy neighbor. As it is loving to heal the blind. To help one who is need and to warn them of danger.
  17. Guardian1970

    Sabbath and the Law final

    Brothers and Sisters, This is the last I will say on the sabbath. However, Please, please read all of this. Trust me, I didn’t just come easily to this to point it out. Everything in scripture shows he didn’t abolish the law. Here is just a few parts of scripture supporting this fact listed...
  18. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Amen, Grace and law mixed, how right you are!
  19. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    No, the pharmacist will fulfill the script, as prescribed by the doctor. He already has. The question is will the patient take them as prescribed?