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  1. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Let me also Let me also say, If we abolish the law, which Christ himself said He didn’t, what do you get?
  2. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Out of the old covenant came the new from its foundation. When Christ taught, what laws did he quote back tot he boy who said which ones should I keep? Christ said I have not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it.
  3. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Brother Well said!! You are and you do however, when you also have the day which the Lord blessed, and since we also should keep the morale law, which Christ reiterated keeping to he rich boy looking for affirmation from Him. He also said I have not come to abolish the law but to fulfill it...
  4. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Brother, Not saying become an advent, or anny other religion of man. I also said, some follow the Sabbath, but they also add laws and rules just as the old Jewish religion did.
  5. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Yes that is true and it is written, and I am not saying brothers and sisters you should become a seventh day, or any other religion, just a follower of Christ because He is the way. Which He taught is the from the foundation of the world. Which was clarity on the laws of man vs the laws of God.
  6. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Interesting concept brother, so you will be ok if someone comes and kills your kids, steals your car, and takes your money?
  7. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Good discussions! Brothers and Sister, There seems to be some misunderstanding about what I was conveying concerning the Sabbath. Let me be clear, the Catholic Church had no right to change the sabbath to Sunday. If those who say they are no longer part of her, observe her laws, seasons...
  8. Guardian1970

    Evolution theory vs God

    Evolution vs God Brother and Sisters, We have heard this argument time and again. Remember, the evolution theory, which it is, has no proof. Hence per science it is a theory. In fact all science is a theory because things change and what is even seen as a fact today is really only a...
  9. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Continued.. For those why try and use this scripture. See, He didn’t say the other commandments…. so you dont have to follow them! The young man was Jewish, the others are implied. How do I know, he said he kept the commandments since he was a child. But which ones didn’t he mention? You...
  10. Guardian1970

    Remember the Sabbath

    Brother and Sisters, Some say, “We do not have to keep the Sabbath. Because that is under the old covenant Jewish law!” Yet they want to pick and choose other laws for their gain, like tithing for themselves. Really, who told you that you are naked and are not under the old covenant and...
  11. Guardian1970

    Religious Tithing

    Brothers and Sisters, My Lord said: Luke 19 45And he entered the temple and began to drive out those who sold, 46saying to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a den of robbers.” Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be...
  12. Guardian1970

    This is the Way

    Brothers and Sisters, Take heart, though there is darkness, seek the light, that the light will be in you and you in the light, amen. Though there is calamity let the Lords Spirit of peace rest upon you. May the Lord strengthen us, guide us, and guard us accordingly to His will. Now behold...
  13. Guardian1970

    The Gospel

    Feed men a fish and they will follow you, teach men how and where to fish, and they will feed themselves, their families and teach others how to do so.
  14. Guardian1970

    Who is King of Kings

    Brother and Sisters, What can religion be compared to? 1Samuel 8:4 4 So all the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to him, “You are old, and your sons do not follow your ways; now appoint a king to lead us, such as all the other nations have.” 6 But...
  15. Guardian1970

    Love all Serve all

    Amen brother, as we should encourage each other and ask the Lord to be a lamp unto our feet and be our strength the flame in our heart, mind and soul for His honor, for His glory. All honor and glory is God’s.
  16. Guardian1970

    1+1=2 Tribulation

    I can see your point of how it can be confusing for some. Just like when the serpent replied, “Surly you will not die”, didn’t mean they would die, right? Wouldn’t that mean the “falling away” mentioned by my Lord in Matthew 24:10, must not have been the exact same as the “falling away” that...
  17. Guardian1970

    1+1=2 Tribulation

    Brother and Sisters, I will speak on this with scripture alone plain and clear, then say no more. There is no escape, you are to be witnesses for Him who are in the body and stand for the truth. Be patient and endure till the end. Some tell you that you will not tribulation brothers and...
  18. Guardian1970

    Love all Serve all

    Brothers and sisters, For those of you who want to “preach” in a way to point out your brothers sisters sins. In order to “help them” see they are sinners. Then I say this, remember your own first. That you may do it in a way that you would want your sins pointed out to you. If you want to...
  19. Guardian1970

    What time is it? Part I

    Is the body divided? Behold Daniel 1-13. Read and let those who have ears hear and by the grace of God understanding the prophecy. Why do you really think God would take His people out before tribulation, but others who remain will be saved later? Then those newly born babes would preach the...
  20. Guardian1970

    What time is it? Part I

    Veritas Quid est veritas? It is time to speak may the planter put forth his seed and His will be done. . Salvation, if we are saved by faith through grace. Born again, baptized in the Holy Spirit, by Christ. Becoming a member in one body, the Christ, who is the head of the Church in one...