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  1. Liamson

    Top 5 reasons why initial attraction fails.

    This is not an Objective Biblical standard by which all men should find themselves justified. This is just me and I've come to the conclusion that I'm crazy and craziness is better shared than kept secret. These are my reasons why I don't want to get to know someone more, at first...
  2. Liamson

    What would you do if you were me?

    Well, I've kind of finally decided that I'm going to continue to hang out with just one person as friends and a potential relationship. (Also for the sake of not being called a premarital polygamist.) My problem is that I don't feel anything like that for anyone. And here is my question: 1...
  3. Liamson

    The 5 ways we like to receive love. POLL!!

    1. Words of Affirmation If this is your primary love language, the way you receive love that speaks the loudest (no pun intended), then the sincere words “I love you” mean a lot. If you receive a note from someone—a thank-you or words of encouragement, praise or appreciation—this will have a...
  4. Liamson

    I'm not interested but, she is persistent...

    I finally had coffee with someone who has been begging me for weeks to go. I've been blowing her off mostly because I don't know her that well. I have Coffee/Lunch with different people about 3 times a week and I'm pretty busy so getting out is rougher than it should be. I wanted to talk to...
  5. Liamson

    FALL IN LOVE!!! (if you can)

    I am bitter and sarcastic and disastrously Logical; it is my shield. Don't let it become yours. In these threads we post a LOT of bad things. Lists of qualities that we try to avoid. Ways people have hurt us and how to avoid that. Our Regrets, our pain our mistrust, laid bare before each...
  6. Liamson

    Projecting the people we want to meet onto the people we do.

    Picture this, You are a Mermaid (or a merman) who spotted a handsome prince (case 2, Princess) but, in order to get closer to them you must lose your voice for 24 hours in the hopes that he (or she) kisses you. (this whole gender flipped 'The Little Merman" plot is starting to scare me) Lucky...
  7. Liamson

    Do you know too many people to get close to any of them?

    I feel like sometimes I know too many people in a Group Setting, and we all know each other from a group, which actually makes it difficult to get to know any of them personally. Everything feels officially lukewarm. As if even if I was seriously interested in someone, it would seem like a joke...
  8. Liamson

    Half Your Age, Plus 7

    This is the formula for finding a socially acceptable dating range. Take your age divide by 2, then add 7. What you get is the Customarily Acceptable Western Culture Marriageability Range. So for instance, I'm 25. that means that my minimum dating age range is 20 (19.5) and my maximum dating...
  9. Liamson

    Gay Marriage and Homophobia

    Equality has become a religion and an ideology. Thus, it goes by the name of ‘egalitarianism’. It’s not simply about taking notice of things that are equal or trying to make social laws equally just for everyone. It’s about forcing equality on things and people that are not equal and can never...
  10. Liamson

    What are a person's RED FLAGS that say, "don't date me."

    Ok, positive traits aside as Christians we are all striving toward much the same end. My question is what are the big TURN OFFS that pop up out of someone that seems to have all of the right things going for them. This is not things that people you don't like do, this is things that people...
  11. Liamson

    Christian vs. Non-Christian Language.

    (not foul language) Ever have that conversation that goes something like this: Me- "Hey Biff, how did your dentist appointment go?" Biff-"Ah well it went. My dentist thinks I'll live." Me-"Good! My last one didn't go as smooth as I'd like it to, probably because I haven't been flossing as often...
  12. Liamson

    How do YOU make Someone feel special?

    It could be someone you don't know, someone you know but don't really talk to, someone who probably has a handful of preconceived notions about You, perhaps its an internet personality, either way, how do you get their attention? How do you let someone know that to YOU they are unique in their...
  13. Liamson

    Fitness Poll

    So I'm starting my Biannual Spring fitness kick. To to help kickoff brutalizing myself through working out, I've decided to make a poll! Now we know that as Christians we are taught not to be vain or to judge people by their looks but, then again this is the Single's Forum. Which means we are...
  14. Liamson

    Ideal Christian Relationship Timeline...

    Now I know you clicked this thread hoping to find some semblance of a theory as to how long people should date before they get engaged or how long people should be engaged before they get married. But I am the absolute last person on earth who can answer either of these questions. So to help...
  15. Liamson

    Companion Positive Attributes Poll

    Pick the Top 5 Attributes that you look for in the Opposite Sex.
  16. Liamson

    Knowledge best left to the Unknown

    When I was young(18), I had a lot of preconceived notions about what being in a relationship meant. I was an adventurous romantic and I was alone. I idealized and mythified what the woman I would marry should be like and what I should be like when I found her. Think Disney Princess meets The...
  17. Liamson

    My War against Whiny Repetitive Christian Music.

    I grew up listening to Christian music an mostly enjoying it. Things like David Meece, Steve Green, Twila Paris, Rich Mullins, DC talk, Rebecca St. James... etc etc. While I was in the Navy I went to a Russian Orthodox church and another church that did the whole hymn thing, so I was out of the...
  18. Liamson

    For Those of You Sufficiently Invested...

    Well, I'm not actually very good at this. I, at the very least, must start somewhere. So, I will start from the beginning. Well, not THE beginning but, rather my own. I was born, Marius Douglas Almond. My birth mother is a Schizophrenic and my birth father an Alcoholic. Before the ripe age of...