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  1. Liamson

    Genuine vs....

    "They seem like the perfect boyfriend, and in the beginning, they are attentive, thoughtful, generous, and kind. You become enamored and are swept off your feet. Although you may hear murmurings from friends or family that he seems “too nice” or that they just “have a hunch about him,” you brush...
  2. Liamson

    Christian Culture or Something else...

    Pride: a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc I believe Pride is root of all evil. I have been thinking for a few weeks about this thing that has been tugging on my mind for...
  3. Liamson

    Depth of Love; Height of Joy.... power of word

    Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments; love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O, no, it is an ever-fixed mark, That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's...
  4. Liamson

    Top 5 Quickest Ways to Get Dumped by Me

    1. Siding with my mother in an argument. This is a big no no. If to her, my mom makes sense and I don't, there is something wrong with my Girlfriend and we are probably done. 2. Treating me the same as everyone else or treating everyone else the same as me. I don't need to feel terribly special...
  5. Liamson

    what men THINK women Want vs what women THINK men Want.

    Like as a guy and as experience has taught me, There is a big difference between what I think women want and what women actually want. AND I know that there is a difference between what Women think I want and what I actually want...
  6. Liamson

    Bitterness, the past, the pain... the Truth!

    Do any of you remember what it was like to love, to live in the moment, to see only the future? Before YOU or someone or something invaded your life and took whatever innocence you had from you, there was a time, in my life and I assume in yours, where WE really believed that all of it was...
  7. Liamson

    What does 'LOVE' mean to YOU?

    A couple of threads recently caught my attention in a very peculiar way. I think there is a difference between what love means to a man than what it means to a woman. My purpose with this is not to generalize and stereotype gender expectations and understanding but rather to find out what it...
  8. Liamson

    The Wise Woman and the Traveler

    A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream. The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food. The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him. She did so without...
  9. Liamson

    waiting for, "The Will of God." ?

    We have the Bible, we have the law and the prophets. We have the word of God... for some this is not enough. There is an attitude that exists in Christian dating circles and it makes me Sick. "If it happens it happens and if it doesn't then its not the will of God." Even in a relationship...
  10. Liamson

    Ladies Gossip Circles and the Art of Giving TERRIBLE Advice.

    Ever been in a relationship with a woman who formulates her every move by a committee of her peers? "Well, I was reading in this book, Christian Dating Relationships for the 22nd Century by Pastor Popular McDollarsigns and he says that I should not be seen in a swim suit by you for at least 3...
  11. Liamson

    How does everyone here argue?

    I was having a discussion with someone today and we were talking about argument styles. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that we've all had experience with arguing with people. How do you idealistically resolve conflicts? How do you react to someone who is being volatile or emotional...
  12. Liamson

    When all of the high ideas melt off...

    We talk a lot about the ought to's and the should's but, what happens when it all disappears? What do you guys do to keep yourself in check and stay sane enough to actually form sentences? How do you operate when you see someone who takes your breath away? I'm pretty confident when I have...
  13. Liamson

    Meyer's Briggs Type Indicator. (MBTI POLL)

    Which of the 16 personality types are you? Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology ^Here is a link to find yours out, if you do not know^ I'm very curious to know the results of everyone who frequents out fair Forum. If you are not sure, at least take the test and answer...
  14. Liamson

    For those of you who like derailing threads...

    Here is your Sand box...
  15. Liamson

    Rejection is better than regret.

    "If everyone would just lower their standards we could all find a mate." -NodMyHeadLikeYeah Sometimes I think failure is an inevitability but, how far down the rabbit hole do we go for sake of having absolute certainty that success is not an option? The part of me that believes in love wants...
  16. Liamson

    Letting Go.

    I need to break up with her but, I don't know how. Every time I try to bring it up in a way that seems mutually beneficial, she talks me out of it. When I say I can't see it, she says we are learning and this is still new. I don't want to hurt her but, I will never be her husband. I don't...
  17. Liamson

    What does the top of the mountain look like?

    For some, its being married, buying that first house and filling it with furniture and love. For some, its the peace of mind knowing that whatever comes next in life, you don't have to face it alone ever again. For some, its having children and raising a family. For some, its living in an...
  18. Liamson

    Is Marriage a Status Symbol?

    Are you a successful person if you are unmarried at 25? 30? 35? what about 40? Is this somehow different for women than for men? I'm curious to know because I feel like I'm not in any HUGE rush to get married but I feel like everyone around me is in a sprint, as if life is a grocery store...
  19. Liamson

    Inspired by Passions that dare us to dream a little bigger.

    Kayem Posted something earlier and it made me realize just how important hope is in a relationship. Hopes, Dreams and the Passionate pursuit of what moves us are things that people can really rally around. I know that as a teen I always fell into my puppy love stage with girls who would dream...
  20. Liamson

    Top 5 reasons why initial attraction is a SUCCESS!!

    These are my top 5 reasons why someone will make me feel understood, wanted and magnetically attracted to them rather quickly. These are like the home runs. -Overwhelming amounts of eye contact coupled with smiling and laughing at my jokes. -Getting excited about the same things that I get...