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  1. Lancelot

    Joe McIntyre Has Passed Away

    I don't know if anybody else has posted about this, but Joe McIntyre passed away back in December. I just learned about it over the weekend. For those of you who don't know Joe led the Kenyon Gospel Publishing Society and wrote the definitive work on Kenyon entitled "E. W. Kenyon and His...
  2. Lancelot

    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    I know virtue signaling when I see it.
  3. Lancelot

    The Gospel Demands Radical Sacrifice - David Platt

    Platt is one of these young "Restless and Reformed" ministers who gets his kicks looking like he's standing against the apostacy.
  4. Lancelot

    The modern church and the "Sinners Prayer"- True or false teaching?

    It's not apostasy. It might not be 100% scriptural but then neither is hiring a church staff, or church softball teams, or church camp. We do lots of things out of tradition in the church that could probably be improved upon, but they're not part of some end time falling away. Lots of people...
  5. Lancelot

    The modern church and the "Sinners Prayer"- True or false teaching?

    God's will is our sanctification. (I Thes. 4:3) Sanctification is the progression by faith in living a holy life, unentangled with the world and victorious over the flesh. That's not legalism. It's liberty from the power of darkness. If you love God you will seek to please Him through...
  6. Lancelot

    The modern church and the "Sinners Prayer"- True or false teaching?

    You want a scripture that shows what you don't have to do? How about scriptures that show what you DO have to do? ... “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” (Acts 16:31) .... "if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart...
  7. Lancelot

    The modern church and the "Sinners Prayer"- True or false teaching?

    No doubt many people have mistakenly believed that they were saved because they prayed the sinner's prayer or walked an aisle and shook the preacher's hand or were baptized in water, but none of those things are wrong in and of themselves. You just have to believe in your heart that God raised...
  8. Lancelot

    Horton Hears a Heretic

    Sorry I haven't posted for awhile. Been dealing with family issues. This video is my response to Dr. Michael Horton's 1991 videos condemning the Word of Faith movement and teachers.
  9. Lancelot

    Famous Preachers With Infamous Views
  10. Lancelot

    The God-Kind of Faith

    It seems that the Greek scholar that Hank Hanegraaff cited actually stated that the literal Greek for Mark 11:22 is "the God-kind of faith", but for some reason he left that out of his book Christianity in Crisis.
  11. Lancelot

    Can Gloria Copeland Affect The Weather?

    Her critic says no, but she says otherwise. What say you?
  12. Lancelot

    Joyce Meyer's $23,000 Toilet

    Have any of you ever heard the rumor that Joyce Meyer owns a $23,000 jewel encrusted toilet? .................
  13. Lancelot

    Because of the Angels

    Because this is what brought down the angels who left their first estate. (Jude 6)
  14. Lancelot

    Responding to Jonathan Cahn The hype concerning September and October of this year producing some cataclysmic event in the economy or elsewhere is primarily due to Jonathan Cahn's book The Mystery of the Shemitah. In this video from August Mr. Cahn clarifies a few points which...
  15. Lancelot

    The Market Driven Church

    There's been a move in recent years toward making the church seeker friendly and non-confrontational. Some of the largest churches in the country have been built with principles that came from Madison Avenue rather than the Bible. Basically the idea is "give them what they want and they'll...
  16. Lancelot

    Trump and Religion

    A lot of people don't know this, so I'm posting it here. Donald Trump has been talking about how much he loves the Bible, but he belongs to the PCUSA which is the liberal wing of the Presbyterian church that rejects the inerrancy of scripture. Also, his father knew Norman Vincent Peale who...