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    Forgotten? the true Gospel of Jesus Christ

    Who says that the gospel of Jesus has been forgotten?
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    Sun of Righteousness

    Context is key. Verse 1 is talking about the day of judgement. Verse 2 is talking about those who are not being punished but healed and rewarded.
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    The Armor of God.......

    Paul is describing a trained fully equipped soldier, not a raw recuit just entering his basic training. For young children they need to be familiar with the bible and the many stories in it. Not just the new testament Jesus stories, but 5he O T stories of Ezra, Nemiah, of Hosa etc. I suggest...
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    Heaven is where God is. God created space, time, energy and matter, so God is not in what he created, so it follows that heaven/God is in another dimension that is outside of this material universe.
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    A new perspective on the Bible

    I would be interested to learn just what the new perspective on the bible actually is?
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    Question about paul

    Actually the moment you say that any message you have received is more important than the bible is when you have been deceived and are listening to a demon.
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    Question about paul

    Quote from Nickv, " The holy spirit gives many of us knowledge is that not just as important for every one as pauls words are? if we had every message given to somebody by the spirit and put them all together i wonder how many lives those gifts from the spirit could change. " part of his 1st...
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    Question about paul

    And how do you know that you are hearing from God and not from the devil?
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    Where do pastors stand on 'mild drinks' like beer?

    Read the context. Everything you do not understand a bible passage read what it is saying g before and after that verse. Lev 10:8 Then the Lord said to Aaron, 9 “You and your sons are not to drink wine or other fermented drink whenever you go into the tent of meeting, or you will die. This is a...
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    Question about paul

    How do you know that what you are learning spiritual is from God and not from an evil spirit? Answer. One tests every message against what is in the bible. We know that the bible is from God, equally we know that messages that tell us to ignore or go against the bible are not from God...
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    How should we understand John 17:1-3 ?

    A simple question What difference does your translation mean when compared with other translations.
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    Religious Tithing

    There are two parts to the " Law ". There is the ceremonial and the civil law. Then there is the moral law. The ceremonial law was completed by Jesus. That is why we don't offer animal sacrifices, eat kosher food, make fire, cook etc on the sabbath. ( to a strict Jew, using your phone on the...
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    Struggling today understand

    Don't you have a job, or college to go to, if I'll, doctors appointments, what about old friends, your church etc etc etc. Just as we are created for a relationship with God, so we are also intended for fe..owship with other people. Breaking habits is hard work, but unless you physically...
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    Is it God or the Devil?

    "wonder what it means to say the devil is in the details." Means what appears simple, actually has a hidden complication.
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    Is it God or the Devil?

    Durring the witch hunts, someone would say, a bad thing happened to me, then another unlucky thing, then some statistical event happened ( not those words, ) they would then accuse an unpopular person of cursing them. Where are you on this decent into superstition. Harsh words but get real...
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    Is it God or the Devil?

    Neither, it was one's own clumsiness that caused the trip. God does not temp us and the devil works in our thoughts not in our circumstances. Brief in an active devil affecting physical thi gs in one's life, leads to superstitions and rituals intended to protect. Only Jesus and the Spirit will...
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    Where do pastors stand on 'mild drinks' like beer?

    Quoting scripture out of context is not honouring God or explaining the meaning in scripture. This verse is directed at Aron and his sons about how they were to conduct the worship of God. It would apply to us in regard to us leading worship or attending worship, it says nothing about daily life.
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    Help: Israelite-specific as applicable to Christians.

    Welcome to the forum. How can a command to worship only God and to teach one's children, not be applicable to Christians? Have you read Romans 8:28 and seen how similar it is to Jerimiah 29:11? Have you a minister that you can ask questions of?
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    Coming out of Denominational Churches

    At a Duncan Campbell revival an old Scotsman prayed about the young people in 5he meeting. " LORD, You must be disappointed to see So much of the steam going to the whistle, when it should be going to the pistons! " Quaint language, but very practical. It is the established churches that have...
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    Does God continue to love us all, has God continued from day one of the fall of Adam?

    When you reply to a post saying ' you ' in your reply then you are making a personal reply to that person. If you want to make an impersonal reply use ' one' as in one can reply to a post with out being personal to the poster.