My two cents worth, one thing that everyone has to realize it that whoever the anti-christ is going to be, He's gotta be someone that the orthodox jews and the muslims/arabs will both accept. Wrap your mind around that one. He has to be someone that will bring peace between Israel and the rest of the world. Some say he'll be the 12th Imam, some say he'll be jewish decent, some even say he'll be mietreya(probably spelled that wrong) This man(I too believe it'll be a man) has to have some kind of answer that is going to stop everyone in their tracks. He is going to be so cunning and mesmerizing to those that are lost, that both jew and arab and whoever else is going to agree together in him. Shalom
hey avinu.
thanks for posting this.
interesting that the Druze leaders, many arab "leaders" and UN NGOs are teaming up over The Talmud's Noahide Laws.
POTUS's and the Popes affirm them also.
(p.s: i'd like to introduce you to megatron

Family of nations gathered in New York at a special gathering where Mr. Joop Theunissen, Deputy Chief of an important United Nations Non-Governmental Organization signed to keep the laws of Noah.
By David Yisraeli, Chabad Info
24 Tevet 5771 (31.12.2010)
A conference advocating for the acceptance and adherence to the Noahide Laws was held on December 22, 2010.
The event's title was “Unity, Youth and World Peace”. Presenters included Mr.
Joop Theunissen from the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), and Rabbi
Yakov D. Cohen of the Institute of Noahide Code, who opened and moderated the conference.
More than 90 people attended this important event, many of whom expressed an interest in continuing this work.
Mr Joop Theunissen Deputy Chief of the NGO branch of ECOSOC signed a proclamation pledging to keep the Laws of Noah.
"Their observance is required, so that the vision of the United Nations – to have a settled and civilized world, in which economic justice and righteousness will prevail - can be fulfilled, with all of us working together in unison."
Noahide Code Rabbi Yakov Cohen said, "Especially now in these turbulent times, when so many people everywhere feel pressured and unsettled as a result of the global financial crisis, it is more important than ever to focus on the most important part of life: the spiritual integrity of human beings before G-d and the desire of the Creator to bestow all blessings on humanity through the full and complete redemption. At the same time, for the sake of children and youth around the world, it is critical that the representatives of the nations affirm and commit publicly to the basic premise, that people respect the very core fabric of life given by the Creator, which the Seven Universal Laws of Noah represent.
Rabbi Cohen told a story of world leaders who spent weeks trying to put together a map of the world with no success, when, finally a young boy snaps the map together in minutes. Curious, they ask how he was able to accomplish this seemingly impossible feat. He replied, 'I simply put the eyes together then the nose and so on.' Noticing their confused looks, he went on to explain, '...You see, on the other side of the world map is a single face of a human being.'"
The NGO Branch services the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, a subsidiary body of the ECOSOC composed of 19 Member States. It also provides relevant advice and information concerning NGOs to representatives of the United Nations system, member States and civil society.
Following the conference the participants enjoyed Kosher food and wines from around the world, and agreed to support these ideas of "Unity and Youth" to help bring world peace with the Laws of Noah. - UN NGO Reps Pledge to Follow Noahide Laws