@studier first of all thank you for the well-written and intelligent post.
I agree with you in almost all the points and these are points which i have mentioned here before many times. We can discuss them further and i don't mind repeating myself but i can tell you with all my heart that i agree with you on almost all the points.
However, to stay a bit focused on the topic since we agree on everything else, we need to understand our "confusion" of mixing earthly politics with the KOG.
This is why i mentioned to you the examples of two christian nations (Greece and USA) in relation to their approach on abortion.
We need to distinguish that implementing something into law based on our understanding of the Bible is very different from exhibiting our love for God in free-will to a secular audience and even within ourselves as Christians as evidenced with the example of two nations (Greece and USA) having a different stance on abortion which many Christians in USA want to link a lawful and biblical angle to it.
This is what we need to separate and understand.
Having this sort of "blind" righteousness can lead inevitably anyone into extremes as it's shown in Muslim countries or even at other points in history where the Christian church itself prosecuted free-minds for their observations of reality, morality and free will.
This is why we can never confuse the KOG for which Christ told us it's in us when we accept Him, with some topic-of-the-day in politics at this point in history while we're alive and at this corner of the globe.
Many nations, Christian or not, will legislate their country based on tolerance. When the tolerance shifts and becomes intolerant then societies correct themselves. This is how it's always been in history including atheist nations.
This is why i also support Trump, Maga and conservatives because they are a reaction to the extremity of the left. But, they or other men before them in history have nothing to do with the Kingdom of God that Christ told us about.
And to bring this home to the topic, Christ Himself did NOT establish and earthly kingdom here did He? Despite all the disappointment of many Jews who were waiting for a military commander.
This is what we need to remember. Kingdom of God and the New Jerusalem bring us home, full-circle back into The Garden conditions of Adam and Eve
in the presence of God. Where we can see, hear and touch God and be forever at peace and joy (which begins here and now by having KOG in our hearts) and where we will understand (hopefully) many mysteries of existence (1 John 3:2 ) which we don't understand here and now such as What is free-will or What is an incorruptible body How was the universe created and many many other topics.
We will be home but with more appreciation due to our growth and free-will.