Matthew 24: 37 But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Why did God utterly destroy, and wipe clean the entire world He created, and everything in it, save Noah, his family, and the selected animals aboard the Ark?
To answer this question we have to closely examine Genesis 6, the fallen angels that mated with human women, their progeny the Nephilim, and the proclamation 4 There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, AND ALSO AFTERWARD,..
So why do I believe this issue is so important? Because Jesus said in the end days things would be like in the days of Noah. I contend that we are living in the end days, and are doing the same things that that led God to destroy the world.
Matthew 24: 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved;
So first I'll lay out SOME of the vast Biblical proof that fallen angels DID mate with human women producing the Nephillim, hybrid race, the ALSO AFTERWARD, and the CORRUPTED flesh.
Then talk about how we are committing the same sin that they did.
But I will NOT be doing much, if any, debating with those that either can't, or won't accept the plain Biblical truth about fallen angels. That is not speculative. I will be doing some speculation, but that fact is not. If there are honest, skeptical questions fine. But otherwise I'd recommend just scrolling on by.
Why did God utterly destroy, and wipe clean the entire world He created, and everything in it, save Noah, his family, and the selected animals aboard the Ark?
To answer this question we have to closely examine Genesis 6, the fallen angels that mated with human women, their progeny the Nephilim, and the proclamation 4 There were giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, AND ALSO AFTERWARD,..
So why do I believe this issue is so important? Because Jesus said in the end days things would be like in the days of Noah. I contend that we are living in the end days, and are doing the same things that that led God to destroy the world.
Matthew 24: 22 And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved;
So first I'll lay out SOME of the vast Biblical proof that fallen angels DID mate with human women producing the Nephillim, hybrid race, the ALSO AFTERWARD, and the CORRUPTED flesh.
Then talk about how we are committing the same sin that they did.
But I will NOT be doing much, if any, debating with those that either can't, or won't accept the plain Biblical truth about fallen angels. That is not speculative. I will be doing some speculation, but that fact is not. If there are honest, skeptical questions fine. But otherwise I'd recommend just scrolling on by.
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