Precious friends, Many are still wondering about this difficult doctrine:
“Why Did God Give sign gifts to the early members of The Body Of Christ?...
...Before the Bible was complete, a complete knowledge of God’s will was impossible!
So God gave the early members of the Body of Christ a supernatural gift of knowledge
to tide them over until the Bible was finished...
...There are men on Christian television who claim to have this gift! But you know that
they don’t have the gift of faith because of the definition Paul gives us of the gift of
faith in the very next chapter of this epistle:
to conclude that no one since him has been given the gift of healing either.” (R. Kurth)
Complete study here: ‘Tis Not the season for giving?
GRACE And Peace...
“Why Did God Give sign gifts to the early members of The Body Of Christ?...
...Before the Bible was complete, a complete knowledge of God’s will was impossible!
So God gave the early members of the Body of Christ a supernatural gift of knowledge
to tide them over until the Bible was finished...
...There are men on Christian television who claim to have this gift! But you know that
they don’t have the gift of faith because of the definition Paul gives us of the gift of
faith in the very next chapter of this epistle:
'...though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains,
and have not charity, I am nothing' (1 Corinthians 13:2)...
...if even an apostle as great as Paul eventually lost his ability to heal the sick, we have to conclude that no one since him has been given the gift of healing either.” (R. Kurth)
Complete study here: ‘Tis Not the season for giving?
GRACE And Peace...
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