John 8:36 plus Romans 8:2 If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. For in Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set you free from the law of sin and death.
's no such thing as freewill. In order to prove freewill you have to cease entirely from sin and then refuse to die.
And those good folks who hear the Saviour's voice and spring forth out of their graves will not do so by any freewill choice or decision of their own.
I feel so sad when I hear christians denounce these mass killers and damn them to hell "they have made their bed and now they must lie in it, what they did they did of their own freewill"
What hope then is there for such ones?
If we told them the truth that they were not acting out of a free will but that the will and the power they were acting by was that of Satan the arch enemy of God and mankind to whom they are slaves.
They just might cry for mercy.
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