don't believe that God election always results in fulfilling the actions. For example, all believers have been chosen to be holy and blameless (Eph 1:4), yet simple observation and the Barna surveys reveals how many believers aren't "holy and blameless".
Hi freegrace,
Thanks for addressing the issues at hand and using scripture

, if you don't mind I'll answer just the two above because it relates to all Christians.
Once we are saved, Christs righteousness is imputed to us, therefore we are declared righteous. Our position in Christ is always the same and will never change. Yet we live in this body of flesh and we will have the struggle with the flesh, but we will grow more and more Holy as time goes by. But this anticipates a future time when we are glorified - A time when there will be no sin and not just that and unlike Eden, there will be no more possibility of sin.
So although we are saved we will still sin, but we will strive to grow in Holiness in anticipation of the hope that is to come. When Christ returns and we will be fully without spot or blemish.
I get a bit nervous when "decreed" gets mentioned. Almost like He causes things.
When we look at what God decrees we can start at the very start.
In the begining God said.. and he caused this whole universe to come into existence. Something from nothing.
I agree with you about service we all should serve each other, aren't we called to do that, i agree with you on that point. service is one aspect of being called, as is being called in Christ.
Anyhow, we have to bear in mind, that no matter what it is By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.