Well Folks ---this is a great plug in for attending a Seminary School and getting many degrees so you are well prepared to go out into the world and stand on a Pulpit and spout out what you learned in Seminary school about God ---and His Word -----
Here is my concern about all that is said here -----it is self driven ---and man driven ----------not one mention of being called by God to enter into the Ministry to have your heart and ears and mind open to grasp any teaching of His Word -----not one mention of following the direction of the Holy Spirit when studying the Word ----
This comment here -----
You have access to models who are kind and experienced people, with high levels of degrees in accredited institutions.------
I say
There is much talk about having a degree in this post -----Well hate to say it but degrees are only good in this world -----you see in this world degrees help you climb the ladder of success ----In God's world Degrees mean nothing nor does climbing up the ladder get you success ------In God's World you need to climb down the Ladder to be successful ----
Saying this Statement here in the Post --Even Jesus prepared himself before he began his ministry.
I say
To me shows---- lack of understanding ---trying to lump in Jesus preparation for His Ministry to a man driven Seminary preparation into Ministry ---- Jesus was fulfilling prophecy when He was preparing for His Ministry ----Humans are fulfilling their own want by going to a Man made Seminary school ------when you have no idea if the instructors are Born Again people or not -----if they have not the Holy Spirit then your getting Man's ideas only -----Many call themselves Christians but their hearts are far from God ------
All Born Again People are True Ministers -----The Holy Spirit is their Teacher not Man -----No amount of Seminary School or Degrees or Human instruction will ever give you what you need to understand a Spiritual God or His Word ---and everything you need to know to do Spiritual counseling is the Scripture ----there is not one thing that we humans go through emotionally or physically that God doesn't cover in His word -----and give instruction to overcome ------
This comment here ----
It gives you tools to counsel people, to preach, teach and care for God's people.
I say --------the only tool needed to Counsel people and care for God's People and Preach and Teach the truth of God's word is the Holy Spirit----- no Seminary needed in my view -------
So I say -------if one goes to a Seminary -----make sure your instructors and all who teach you are Holy Spirit indwelled true Christians -----so you get taught the Spiritual Truth of God's Word -----Not what man thinks about God and His Word ---Who is Jesus by the way ------
Here is my concern about all that is said here -----it is self driven ---and man driven ----------not one mention of being called by God to enter into the Ministry to have your heart and ears and mind open to grasp any teaching of His Word -----not one mention of following the direction of the Holy Spirit when studying the Word ----
This comment here -----
You have access to models who are kind and experienced people, with high levels of degrees in accredited institutions.------
I say
There is much talk about having a degree in this post -----Well hate to say it but degrees are only good in this world -----you see in this world degrees help you climb the ladder of success ----In God's world Degrees mean nothing nor does climbing up the ladder get you success ------In God's World you need to climb down the Ladder to be successful ----
Saying this Statement here in the Post --Even Jesus prepared himself before he began his ministry.
I say
To me shows---- lack of understanding ---trying to lump in Jesus preparation for His Ministry to a man driven Seminary preparation into Ministry ---- Jesus was fulfilling prophecy when He was preparing for His Ministry ----Humans are fulfilling their own want by going to a Man made Seminary school ------when you have no idea if the instructors are Born Again people or not -----if they have not the Holy Spirit then your getting Man's ideas only -----Many call themselves Christians but their hearts are far from God ------
All Born Again People are True Ministers -----The Holy Spirit is their Teacher not Man -----No amount of Seminary School or Degrees or Human instruction will ever give you what you need to understand a Spiritual God or His Word ---and everything you need to know to do Spiritual counseling is the Scripture ----there is not one thing that we humans go through emotionally or physically that God doesn't cover in His word -----and give instruction to overcome ------
This comment here ----
It gives you tools to counsel people, to preach, teach and care for God's people.
I say --------the only tool needed to Counsel people and care for God's People and Preach and Teach the truth of God's word is the Holy Spirit----- no Seminary needed in my view -------
So I say -------if one goes to a Seminary -----make sure your instructors and all who teach you are Holy Spirit indwelled true Christians -----so you get taught the Spiritual Truth of God's Word -----Not what man thinks about God and His Word ---Who is Jesus by the way ------

What a stupid answer! Of course I was only speaking to people that God called to seminary, to preach. Why would I be telling anyone to go to seminary who hadn’t heard God’s call on their hearts & lives?
God called me twice, loud & clear. The first time was in the late 1980’s. It was so strong. It was weird to me. I couldn’t understand why God would call me to go to seminary, when I was a woman, and couldn’t be a pastor or preacher. I also couldn’t understand, because I was happy in my teaching position, and a Master’s Degree in Divinity would not have given me any increments, teaching in the public school system.
Little did I know that I would soon become too sick to teach, and have to go on disability, for the rest of my teaching career. Then, in about 2005, I was in a small Baptist church and the pastor was calling the young men in the church to go to seminary. I heard the voice of God so clearly telling me to go! My daughter & I had been looking for something for me to do, because I was on good meds, my RA was under control. But doing a Master’s in Education, or even Physical Geography, or Environmentalism, which my undergrad degree had been in, didn’t seem right. Plus, my daughter was leaving to go to University herself, so I wanted to continue learning, even if I didn’t go to work.
When I heard that call, I knew God was giving me a second chance. The pastor needed to sign the forms, he didn’t believe women could be pastors. He asked me if that was my goal. God never called me to be a pastor, so I was able to clearly say, no, that wasn’t my goal. Although certainly seminary equipped me with skills and knowledge to be in leadership. I’ve lead many Internet forums, some Christian. Right now, I lead a large FB group for people with RA. I’m able to share my testimony, to direct people to find help for this disease, and also able to comfort people. I’ve made many friends, including people from other lifestyles & background. And be a testimony to what Jesus has done in my life. I do teach the Bible, and I was preaching in my church, but since COVID I haven’t been well enough, although I am over long COVID.
I will stand by my post that anyone wanting to be a pastor, ie called by God, needs training and lots of it. People that are super spiritual & unwilling to learn, probably aren’t as spiritual as they would like to pretend. I just know I spent 25 years reading the Bible every day, studying it, reading through the Bible yearly, and thinking myself very spiritual, and I never learned a tenth as much in those 25 years as the years I spent in seminary. I learned Greek & Hebrew. And most important, proper Hermeneutics, which is essential to good doctrine. Bad hermeneutics is why there is so much bad doctrine, esp from super spiritual people, who think they know more than other people. Study to show yourself approved, is best done in a formal situation. I’m not talking about apostate, mainline seminaries. No one should go there. But seminaries that believe & teach the Word of God is true, is what I am speaking about.
I feel sorry for anyone that is called of God and is unable to go to seminary, for whatever reason. And I am so thankful God called me twice, and gave me that second chance to study the Word, and learn so much about Biblical backgrounds, Biblical counselling, about each book of the Bible, and a thousand other things, from the importance of prayer, to personal reflection and spiritual growth. The truly spiritual person should never be afraid to learn from others, and grow as a result of good mentoring and direction. Anyone who thinks God is going to reinvent the wheel every time he calls someone, probably is deluding themselves as to their calling! God uses other humans to teach us & train us. Even Paul studied under Rabbis. True, God did single him out & teach him, but then, Paul did write a lot of our New Testament. No one needs that kind of training these days, since the canon is closed. None of us is going to be re-writing the Bible!
But I guess if you knew anything about theology, you would realize that we do need to learn church history, and theology - ohh! The doctrines of men! Not really, theology must come out of the Bible, but people who are unwilling to learn from others will never understand that.
I remember a friend of mine, who became a doctor, telling me that it was ok to learn from others, in my pre-Christian days. I was an arrogant, selfish person in those days, felt my own intellect would get me there just as fast! Glad God was able to teach me the important lesson that not only could I learn from other people, but it was necessary.
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