oh the wildebeasts. and the crocs. brutal. they had a funny advert on tv about that very thing. 2 wildees are talking and at the end of the convo, one goes he is taking the bridge...camera pans to a bridge across the croc infested water...good idea goes the other one (something like that...funnier when viewed)
I have long said, regarding the news, they have misnamed it. it should be the 'bad news' as there ain't no good news or almost never
I'm getting triggered these days and I have a high tolerance. we don't have politics as the Roman games up in Canada and honestly, I'm shell shocked. my husband goes 'well don't watch it' duh
yeah...babies left behind...will never see his mother again. and polar bears. and shooting wolves from planes (I have some wolfdogs so that one really gets me)
I am also wondering how much longer until someone starts shooting at the next dem that goes bizerkers at at GOP member or even someone wearing a pro Trump cap. any bets? (kidding)
I could never enter a dog pound. my heart would break. meantime, abortion is a 'right'
stop the world I wanna get off

I know the Wilde commercial you're talking about. It's great. "I'm thinking about taking that bridge."
At least they don't show any croc's catching their friends during the crossing.
I use to think that probably every generation since the invention of radio and TV said the same thing I have. The world's going to Hell faster now than ever before.
And I figured that would have been the case because of all the new technology and social more's that changed or arrived every generation since the invent of radio & TV. Boy was I wrong. I met a woman at the laundry that was 104. No kidding. You gotta talk to someone who's over a century old. Ya know?
We got to talking about society's woes and politics. I told her my thoughts about every generation saying the same thing. Not in the least.
In her generation when she was but a child the changes were spectacular and positive for society. The telephone, the car, that you could buy from Mr. Ford in any color....as long as the color of choice was black.

Sure, it got dicey with the civil rights stuff and what with the not that long removed history of slavery. Though free blacks did fight for the north. But it was nothing like today, she said.
Never would a parent bring a suit against a school so that her little boy could pretend to be a girl and have access to all the girl facilities there. Gay marriage wasn't even imagined because in her day being gay was being happy go lucky and thrilled with life.
One didn't sue the baker because he refused to make a cake for personal reasons. One simply baked their own. Or went to another baker if the town was big enough.
I loved this part. No, she said, today's world of people are turning back into babies. A new century and we're not moving forward. We're moving into boxes, playpens, so we can whine and scream until someone gives us our pacifier of choice. And what do you mean there's no constitutional right guaranteeing we're not to be offended by someone else's beliefs?
Warning, whiner on board! Don't say something that may upset me. It could stunt my growth.
Oh, this woman was great. Then she said that today's newborn, that one brought into the world precisely at that moment, likely would never see 104 years of age. At least not as a mature independent free thinking self sustaining American.
One nation under a thumb.
That's the new American dream. Give it to me! So I don't have to think.
Love her. May she live another 104 just to be the perfect example of what America use to be.
The wolf killings really irk me. I'm glad I don't live in those zones or I'd likely camouflage and do some ground to air wolf-defense with a high powered rifle.
The rancher idiots are the real tisser. THEY'RE WOLVES! What ? You put an all you can eat walk through in their territory where they lived first and then get mad that they come to eat? Mutton anyone? Beef? Here you go.
It would be like someone bringing a Wendy's to a starving village in sub-Saharan Africa and getting all bent out of shape because they're robbed for their food regularly. They're starving! And your address has food. What's the big surprise?
I met a wolf hybrid once. North Carolina wolfie.
Enormous! He was 99%, near as you can get to full wolf. His dad bred wolf-hybrids to any percent anyone wanted. But he had a veterinarian that would work the paperwork so as to make the higher blood line within the legal limits for high wolf percentages.
I was so enthralled. This wolf was a big puppy. And all his mates at the dad's property howled when I walked in.
I felt right at home.