Okay, I know most of you are NOT going to read this because it’s way too long but, if you do – you’ll be glad you did! 

Ever ponder that question, "What is the Father's Will?"
Oftentimes, I have simply answered that question with, "Well, I'm suppose to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, body and strength and love my neighbor as myself."
Even, Yeshua/Jesus spoke of these:
Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version (KJV)
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Yet, Philip asked Yeshua/Jesus to show him the Father and His response was:
John 14:8-11 King James Version (KJV)
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
Perhaps, if we could understand these “works” of the Father that Yeshua/Jesus did because the Father was dwelling in Him, we might be able to know and understand the Father’s Will better.
First, take a look at the Throne in Heaven, there are 4 living creatures (lion, ox/calf, man, flying eagle) that bow down and worship the one and only slain Lamb upon the throne.
These 5 show us the Father’s Will and His Works which Christ did while on the Earth:
The Lion – The King – greatest power and highest authority (Gospel of Matthew)
No one in Heaven or on Earth can challenge God’s power and authority because He is the Highest and the most powerful.
Jesus displayed the Lion when “….even the winds and seas obey Him……demons and evil spirits obey Him…..never have we heard anyone speak with such authority…..”
It is the Father’s Will that we submit and come under His power and authority which is in Christ alone - not a denomination, doctrine or dos and don’ts. It's okay if you enjoy a particular denomination but it's not the denomination we are to follow.(We’re following Yeshua/Jesus even if He leads us through a grain field on the Sabbath and we pick and eat some grain along the way which upsets all the religious folks – no worries because we’re following our Lord and King – Yeshua/Jesus);
The Ox/Calf – The Priest/Servant (Gospel of Mark)
Only God has the ability to meet ALL the needs of ALL of heaven and earth.
Jesus displayed the Ox/Calf when He feed the multitude with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, paid His taxes by telling Peter to catch a fish and pull money out of its mouth, healing all different types of sickness and disease, teaching and preaching the Kingdom of Heaven in the synagogues and various places.
It is the Father’s Will for us to trust Him to meet all our needs – financial, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. (Personally, I like to tithe 10% financially because it makes me feel like I’m respectfully declaring to my Father in Heaven that I acknowledge that I need Him to take care of me and I am not trusting in my money or my own ability, I am trusting in Him. I still work but, my trust is in His ability, not mine.
Have you ever thought about tithing 10% spiritually by praying, singing psalms, etc. or 10% physically by helping someone paint their house, cook a meal, etc. or 10% emotionally by comforting or encouraging someone, or 10% mentally by teaching or tutoring someone so they aren’t confused anymore about something? Don’t get hung up on the “10%,” I’m just using it as an example of how little we give compared to the other 90% that God gives back to us.);
The Man – The Savior (Gospel of Luke)
God is the one and only one that can save us from our sins.
Jesus displayed the Man when He was born in a human body as the Son of Man. He did not sin but, fulfilled all righteousness. He has become the Human Fulfillment of the Law for us – The Lord our Righteousness. He is the only Savior – the Seed of the woman that the Father would send to save us from our sins.
It is the Father’s Will that we believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths that Yeshua/Jesus is the one and only Savior and receive His atoning blood as the perfect Lamb of God which is the one and only perfect sacrifice able to take our sin away and reconcile us back to our Father in Heaven (we are to tell others – share the gospel – good news); and
The Flying Eagle – The Deliverer (Gospel of John)
Only God can deliver us from Death and Hades.
Jesus displayed the Flying Eagle every time He raised someone back to life.
It is the Father’s Will that we put our hope in God to deliver our body, soul and spirit from Death and Hades by the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. He shall also raise us up – mortal to immortality and corrupt to incorruptible. We are to have no fear of death or Hades.)
Our final deliverance will come when Death and Hades is cast into the Lake of Fire.
Finally, the Slain Lamb upon the Throne – Mercy of God
Before the foundation of the world, God had prepared His Mercy for us. He knew we would rebel and not submit to His power and authority, fight with each other trying to meet our own needs – robbing and killing, get into a bunch of false gods with a bunch of works trying to earn salvation on our own, and we would remain in our sin unable to escape Death and Hades.
So, thanks be to God and the Lamb of God upon the Throne that takes our sin away!!! All 4 living creatures can release the four horsemen on us because of our rebellion but, when they see the BLOOD, judgment bows its knee and worships Mercy.
It is the Father’s Will that we receive His Mercy and give mercy to others when they wrong us.
Yay!! You made it to the end!! Great job! I hope you have a better understanding of the Father’s Will. God bless you!
I look forward to your thoughts on the Father's Will..................

Ever ponder that question, "What is the Father's Will?"
Oftentimes, I have simply answered that question with, "Well, I'm suppose to love God with all my heart, soul, mind, body and strength and love my neighbor as myself."
Even, Yeshua/Jesus spoke of these:
Matthew 22:36-40 King James Version (KJV)
36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Yet, Philip asked Yeshua/Jesus to show him the Father and His response was:
John 14:8-11 King James Version (KJV)
8 Philip saith unto him, Lord, show us the Father, and it sufficeth us.
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?
10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.
11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.
Perhaps, if we could understand these “works” of the Father that Yeshua/Jesus did because the Father was dwelling in Him, we might be able to know and understand the Father’s Will better.
First, take a look at the Throne in Heaven, there are 4 living creatures (lion, ox/calf, man, flying eagle) that bow down and worship the one and only slain Lamb upon the throne.
These 5 show us the Father’s Will and His Works which Christ did while on the Earth:
The Lion – The King – greatest power and highest authority (Gospel of Matthew)
No one in Heaven or on Earth can challenge God’s power and authority because He is the Highest and the most powerful.
Jesus displayed the Lion when “….even the winds and seas obey Him……demons and evil spirits obey Him…..never have we heard anyone speak with such authority…..”
It is the Father’s Will that we submit and come under His power and authority which is in Christ alone - not a denomination, doctrine or dos and don’ts. It's okay if you enjoy a particular denomination but it's not the denomination we are to follow.(We’re following Yeshua/Jesus even if He leads us through a grain field on the Sabbath and we pick and eat some grain along the way which upsets all the religious folks – no worries because we’re following our Lord and King – Yeshua/Jesus);
The Ox/Calf – The Priest/Servant (Gospel of Mark)
Only God has the ability to meet ALL the needs of ALL of heaven and earth.
Jesus displayed the Ox/Calf when He feed the multitude with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread, paid His taxes by telling Peter to catch a fish and pull money out of its mouth, healing all different types of sickness and disease, teaching and preaching the Kingdom of Heaven in the synagogues and various places.
It is the Father’s Will for us to trust Him to meet all our needs – financial, spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. (Personally, I like to tithe 10% financially because it makes me feel like I’m respectfully declaring to my Father in Heaven that I acknowledge that I need Him to take care of me and I am not trusting in my money or my own ability, I am trusting in Him. I still work but, my trust is in His ability, not mine.
Have you ever thought about tithing 10% spiritually by praying, singing psalms, etc. or 10% physically by helping someone paint their house, cook a meal, etc. or 10% emotionally by comforting or encouraging someone, or 10% mentally by teaching or tutoring someone so they aren’t confused anymore about something? Don’t get hung up on the “10%,” I’m just using it as an example of how little we give compared to the other 90% that God gives back to us.);
The Man – The Savior (Gospel of Luke)
God is the one and only one that can save us from our sins.
Jesus displayed the Man when He was born in a human body as the Son of Man. He did not sin but, fulfilled all righteousness. He has become the Human Fulfillment of the Law for us – The Lord our Righteousness. He is the only Savior – the Seed of the woman that the Father would send to save us from our sins.
It is the Father’s Will that we believe with our hearts and confess with our mouths that Yeshua/Jesus is the one and only Savior and receive His atoning blood as the perfect Lamb of God which is the one and only perfect sacrifice able to take our sin away and reconcile us back to our Father in Heaven (we are to tell others – share the gospel – good news); and
The Flying Eagle – The Deliverer (Gospel of John)
Only God can deliver us from Death and Hades.
Jesus displayed the Flying Eagle every time He raised someone back to life.
It is the Father’s Will that we put our hope in God to deliver our body, soul and spirit from Death and Hades by the power of the Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. He shall also raise us up – mortal to immortality and corrupt to incorruptible. We are to have no fear of death or Hades.)
Our final deliverance will come when Death and Hades is cast into the Lake of Fire.
Finally, the Slain Lamb upon the Throne – Mercy of God
Before the foundation of the world, God had prepared His Mercy for us. He knew we would rebel and not submit to His power and authority, fight with each other trying to meet our own needs – robbing and killing, get into a bunch of false gods with a bunch of works trying to earn salvation on our own, and we would remain in our sin unable to escape Death and Hades.
So, thanks be to God and the Lamb of God upon the Throne that takes our sin away!!! All 4 living creatures can release the four horsemen on us because of our rebellion but, when they see the BLOOD, judgment bows its knee and worships Mercy.
It is the Father’s Will that we receive His Mercy and give mercy to others when they wrong us.
Yay!! You made it to the end!! Great job! I hope you have a better understanding of the Father’s Will. God bless you!
I look forward to your thoughts on the Father's Will..................
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