I appreciate the rebuke. Perhaps you will be so inclined.
Recently I was considering Isaiah 58 where God admonishes the people for their outward practices of religion that were self-aggrandizing, but did little or nothing for others. He didn't care for their fasts or feasts. Instead, He desired that their religious practices actual produced goodness in the lives of others. Specifically, He admonished them to free others of oppression, and undo burdens.
This got me to do a little introspection. Were there areas in my life where I was the cause of burdening others or adding to their already existing burdens?
I found more than I care to admit, and more each day. I doubt I'm alone in such need for introspection.
A worthy introspection indeed! (for each and every one of us - and, I am already giving it serious consideration - I am truly glad that you mentioned it...)
However, at the same time - what will it do for oppression and burdens if the watchers do not warn, the encouragers do not remind others to maintain high standards, etc. etc. etc. ?
Will using "lazy english" when we post help anything/everything? Or, will it cause a greater communication burden? more confusion? misinterpretation? bad/hurt feelings? misguided resolve? anger? What else? (I am pretty sure the list is long.)
Shall we all just play the PC game and see how that works out?
Believe-it-or-not, my efforts are - as you also said about yourself - intended to help - only, in a different way of helping than what you are trying to do.
Believe-it-or-not, my efforts are intended
to get others to think more about others - to give consideration to the ramifications of the way they do the things that they do - in this case, how they write their posts.
A well-written post might keep seoulsearch's nerves intact and keep her from binge-drinking a 12-pack of POP.
(I am pretty sure she is just kidding around, and I am not trying to put any 'blame', etc. on you - I am only making a point about ramifications.)
We certainly do not know in enough detail where our conversations will lead - or how they will affect people -
the point is - that we "do our [reasonable] best" - [simply] because we should. And, admittedly, with regard to 'ramifications' - we are for-the-absolute-most-part talking about not-too-serious things here. I realize that. But, again, the point is that we do our [reasonable] best.
That means not letting our 'english' get 'lazy' when we post.
That means looking at what we write from the reader's POV.
As-and-after we write it, we should try to imagine how it will appear and come across to the reader.
You try to minimize unnecessary conflict and "raise the level of comfort in the room" by injecting "easy-going" discussion, humor, etc. - I try to raise awareness of the necessary things which may create self-conflict in those who are offended if a brother tries to encourage them to 'raise the bar' a bit
for the good/sake of others.
Your efforts "feel good" - and, therefore, you are 'liked' by everyone - my efforts are important but do not yield the same "feel good" result in others - [often] I get judged for my efforts - sometimes, I "get the finger" (in essence) for my efforts. Yet, I judge no one. A [brotherly] "friendly reminder" is my only intent.
We each have our 'realm' where God put us.
Of course, I often make attempts at humor - because, I
do have "a lighter side" - that I really wish other people would [be willing to] see.
If they did, it would probably help them understand that - if/when I "make a point" about something - it is intended to "help" and not be judgmental or harsh, etc...
I would hope that they should realize that - at the very least - my intentions are good - and, not be too quick to be offended.
Believe-it-or-not, I appreciate some of the things that you do and say in your posts - because of what you are trying to do.
I only wish people better appreciated some of the things that I do and say in my posts - because of what I am trying to do.

(plenty for everyone)