Hey Everyone,
With all the virtual dating and dating profiles being talked about in other threads
, I thought it might be fun for everyone to create their own "Dating No-File."
The idea for this thread is to take a stereotype about singles/why someone is single, then turn it into a humorous (but NOT mean-spirited) "no-file."
For example...
Common Stereotype About Single Women: Single women who get too old to find a husband become crazy old cat ladies!
Here's my idea of a "Dating No-File" based on this stereotype... Just imagine a crazy cat woman trying to write a dating profile... This is what I'm picturing:
"Hi there, I'm Seoul, so nice to meet you! Like my sweater? Thanks! Mom knit it for me out of 100% organic, environmentally sustainable material -- that's right, my sweater is made out of cat hair! We have at least 15 cats (we never really bother to count) and with all the fur we collect each day, Mom could knit you a matching sweater like mine in a jiffy! Just imagine -- beautiful, durable, and helps save the planet! What, you thought I was talking about myself? *blush* Aw, you're such a gentleman -- I'm flattered! But actually I was talking about my Mom's sweaters!
We proudly produce all the cat hair ourselves on our very own cats, and have NEVER fed them harmful antibiotics or pesticides! And, if we should meet for dinner, don't worry if a cat hair should accidentally fall into your food -- after years of practice I will be able fish it out even the tiniest wisp of fur before you even notice! Soup is always a little challenging, but I promise it won't be a problem!
Best of all, if I give you a hug goodbye, you'll have a built-in souvenir! At least one (but most likely 3 or more) hairballs from my sweater will stay with you -- a constant reminder (and smell) of our lovely, romantic evening!
I can't wait to meet you, and in fact, Mom is knitting me a brand-new Date Night Sweater (in a lace pattern -- flirty!!!) right now, so be sure to drop me a message asap (and before we collect another round of cat hair, so I can ask you what color our matching sweaters should be!)
Don't worry, we have at least 3 cats in every color you can think of, so don't be shy! 😘"
Now... How many suitors does everyone think this woman will find?!
Disclaimer: Although I think a friendly affectionate cat is one of God's most adorable creatures, I don't own cats and due to allergies, don't plan on getting any, no matter how long I'm single or how crazy I might become.
So... Does anyone else feel up to the challenge?
Here are a few ideas, to help get the ball rolling -- try writing a dating profile ("no-file") for:
* The single person who is happy being single but everyone else is constantly trying to set them up with someone.
* The single person who has "loads of free time" (because it's always assumed that singles have all the time in the world.)
* The single person with "oodles of money" (because it's assumed that single people have tons of money to spend on themselves.)
* The single person who "must have something wrong with them, and that's why they're single." (What would you imagine would be a humorous take on the "wrong thing" about someone that everyone assumes is undate-able?)
This is all in the spirit of good-natured fun and simply meant for laughs!
Most everyone knows a bit about dating profiles... So how about writing yourself (or someone else) a dating No-File? 
With all the virtual dating and dating profiles being talked about in other threads
The idea for this thread is to take a stereotype about singles/why someone is single, then turn it into a humorous (but NOT mean-spirited) "no-file."
For example...
Common Stereotype About Single Women: Single women who get too old to find a husband become crazy old cat ladies!
Here's my idea of a "Dating No-File" based on this stereotype... Just imagine a crazy cat woman trying to write a dating profile... This is what I'm picturing:
"Hi there, I'm Seoul, so nice to meet you! Like my sweater? Thanks! Mom knit it for me out of 100% organic, environmentally sustainable material -- that's right, my sweater is made out of cat hair! We have at least 15 cats (we never really bother to count) and with all the fur we collect each day, Mom could knit you a matching sweater like mine in a jiffy! Just imagine -- beautiful, durable, and helps save the planet! What, you thought I was talking about myself? *blush* Aw, you're such a gentleman -- I'm flattered! But actually I was talking about my Mom's sweaters!
We proudly produce all the cat hair ourselves on our very own cats, and have NEVER fed them harmful antibiotics or pesticides! And, if we should meet for dinner, don't worry if a cat hair should accidentally fall into your food -- after years of practice I will be able fish it out even the tiniest wisp of fur before you even notice! Soup is always a little challenging, but I promise it won't be a problem!
Best of all, if I give you a hug goodbye, you'll have a built-in souvenir! At least one (but most likely 3 or more) hairballs from my sweater will stay with you -- a constant reminder (and smell) of our lovely, romantic evening!
I can't wait to meet you, and in fact, Mom is knitting me a brand-new Date Night Sweater (in a lace pattern -- flirty!!!) right now, so be sure to drop me a message asap (and before we collect another round of cat hair, so I can ask you what color our matching sweaters should be!)
Don't worry, we have at least 3 cats in every color you can think of, so don't be shy! 😘"
Now... How many suitors does everyone think this woman will find?!
Disclaimer: Although I think a friendly affectionate cat is one of God's most adorable creatures, I don't own cats and due to allergies, don't plan on getting any, no matter how long I'm single or how crazy I might become.
So... Does anyone else feel up to the challenge?
Here are a few ideas, to help get the ball rolling -- try writing a dating profile ("no-file") for:
* The single person who is happy being single but everyone else is constantly trying to set them up with someone.
* The single person who has "loads of free time" (because it's always assumed that singles have all the time in the world.)
* The single person with "oodles of money" (because it's assumed that single people have tons of money to spend on themselves.)
* The single person who "must have something wrong with them, and that's why they're single." (What would you imagine would be a humorous take on the "wrong thing" about someone that everyone assumes is undate-able?)
This is all in the spirit of good-natured fun and simply meant for laughs!
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