You know, Chrissy, those are pretty cool things to want
I know how you feel, actually.......don't give up, sometimes God doesn't answer right away. He sees your situation, He loves you to pieces, and I'm sure He'll reveal His plan at the right time. But I know you already know that.
As for helping me pester NiceguyJ to post more....Thanks! If he hasn't put us both on "ignore" by the end of the month, we have failed our mission.
As for helping me pester NiceguyJ to post more....Thanks! If he hasn't put us both on "ignore" by the end of the month, we have failed our mission.
I try to keep "reality" out of the forum but it invades my life at times, kwim?
The past month has been one of the most trying, confusing, heart-breaking times of my life. The good thing is, it has brought me to my knees more. I know this won't make any sense to anyone else, but I just want to have a "normal" life with just "normal" worries that people go through, like sickness and finances. There are days I think I can't take one more day like today without falling apart.
Now back to your regularly scheduled program....