Boy have you ever been "duped." Or are you the owner of the site you provided? Here is the first paragraph from your statement of beliefs.
There is only one God, who has no equal, identified as I AM, whose existence had no name before the beginning, since language had not yet been created for names to exist. Only he alone existed before the beginning, hence why he is also called “Father”, because in relation to time, which began in the beginning, a father exists first, then a son is born after, which implies that anyone declared to be “son” came into existence in the beginning or anytime onwards, but not before the beginning. A father is also greater than a son, which is why Yeshuah referred to the Father as “greater than I”, for the Father alone is infinite, which relates to why he alone cannot be contained by what he created, because it is finite, hence “but will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built”. Aside from Yeshuah Messiah, angels are also called sons of God.
Deuteronomy 6:4, John 14:28, 1 Kings 8:27, Exodus 3:14, Psalms 147:5, Genesis 6:2.
Wow, what a mess your involved in neustar. At John 1:2 "beginning," the definite article has been supplied where the actual Greek is "en arche-that is, "In beginning." The "Word of God" was there before the creation of time/space-mass universe. The point is the fact that John's beginning es before the Genesis beginning extending into eternity past.
In other words, the main thought in Genesis 1:1 is on WHAT HAPPENED "in the beginning," and at John 1:1 the emphasis is on WHO EXISTED "in the beginning." John 1:1, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was "WITH" God, and the Word was God." This is not talking about the spoken word or even the thoughts or plan of God. The Word is a person identified as Jesus Christ.
If as you say God existed alone or by Himself then God is not love. Love is always "reciprocal" or done in return. Also, as John 1:1 states, "the Word was WITH God." You cannot be "with" someone and at the same time be that someone. I'm talking about "persons" within the one being of God. Look what Jesus said at what Jesus says at John 17:5. "And now glorify Thou Me TOGETHER with Thyself Father, with the glory I had with Thee BEFORE THE WORLD WAS."
And John 17:24, "Father, I desire that they also, whom Thou has given Me, be with Me where I am in order that they may behold My glory, which Thou hast Thou hast given Me; FOR THOU DID LOVE ME BEFORE THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD."
And what are you telling us neustar? God was alone all by Himself because language had not been created for names to exist?

You also stated that a father is greater than a son and to prove it you said that Jesus stated, "The Father is greater than I." Jeus is stateing the Father is greater than Him in position, not in nature or person. The President of the USA is greater in his position as President, not greater in his humanity. I can also give you verses where Jesus Christ says that He is equal to His Father by nature. And why do you think the Jews accused Jesus of blasphemy neustar? What was the reason. I'll stop for now and explain your statements about how Moses is a god to Pharaoh and what it means or what Psalm 82:6 means which Jesus quoted to the Jews. I don't want to"overload" your brain but rather give you a chance to "think."