The passage in question is lifted from a larger section of Matthew 24. Specifically verses 26 to 31. This passage describes the harvesting of humanity and its spiritual destination or destiny. While verse 31 tells us that the elect (those who belong to Christ) will be gathered by ANGELS, verse 28 tells us where the others will go. The 'others' (most often quoted by rapture apologists as evidence) are gathered by some sort of demonic entities (called vultures or eagles) and taken to a place of destruction or death (NOT HEAVEN).
As a P.S. to my last post addressing yours... I had meant to add... I've never stated that Matt24 does not have a "gathering" (I agree it DOES)... just that it is NOT our "
What I've pointed out is:
--there is
more than ONE "harvest" in Scripture, and in nature
--James 1:18 says, "a
KIND of firstfruit" (meaning, there's more than ONE!); and indeed, Lev23 mentions
TWO "firstfruit" (where Rev14:
4's 144,000 called "firstfruit" there, corresponds with the
SECOND of the
TWO mentions of "firstfruit" in Lev23, that of v.17, where that verse states, "
TWO loaves" and "baken
that ain't US/the Church
that* ^ harvest (the
WHEAT harvest
[again, WE are NOT the "WHEAT" harvest!]) is harvested
by means of a "TRIBULUM" (harvesting implement); whereas the
EARLIER harvest,
by means of "TOSSING INTO THE AIR" (and BLOWING away the chaff)
--the "
WHEAT" harvest passage (Matt13:24,30,39,40,49-50... when the ANGELS will REAP)
corresponds with Matthew 24-25 ("the END [SINGULAR] of the AGE [SINGULAR]" in both passages, where
their Q of Jesus in 24:3 was BASED ON what He had
ALREADY spoken to them about in Matt13, and His RESPONSE [both chpts 24 & 25] corresponds--speaking of the "WHEAT" harvest point in time at the time surrounding His Second Coming
to the earth, Rev19--so I am NOT denying the "harvest" component, whatsoever!

[there is MORE THAN ONE "harvest" in Scripture, and in nature!])