One of the biggest issues in America and in other countries by other names, is the issues between those who wish to keep their political systems as they are and those who wish to make major changes to the political systems. It is quite strange that liberalism is been put on the opposing side of Christianity since classical liberalism partially from Protestant principles.
The protestant Reformation taught the values necessary for present day liberalism even to survive. Conservatism in America has the right intentions in mind when it makes its vote for Christians; trying to promote and sustain religious liberty. But also strangely enough, Protestantism was born out of political indisposition of the catholic church's tyranny over defining what God says. One interpretation of what Jesus said about "giving to Caesar what is Caesar's and giving to God what is God's" is separation between Christianity and politics. America has been a great example of Christianity through the ages in its fight to preserve the freedom of the rights of citizens of other countries. Other countries like Spain, Great Britain, and Rome have done the same throughout last 2,000 years, America most recently has had the task of being a good example. There is no country that has not made mistake as well. Even the best intentions in imperialism and manifest destiny have left some stains on the goals wished to be obtained.
Taking all this into consideration the next question that comes to mind is what connection between what God uses to sustain and what people believe God uses to sustain Christianity. Does America religious freedom sustain Christianity in American; does religious freedom of religious practices in our country sustain us, or is it our faith in Jesus Christ that sustains us? Having a child or being a proud person can cause one to loose sight of the truth. Having a child in school being taught values contrary to what we believe makes us totally outraged especially when they come home talking about what they have learned. Being taught about two princes marrying one another here in California to another certainly would be a means of secular values being enforced on our innocent children who have no real understanding since they are just children. And when the word freedom gets thrown around enough, they become opposed with freedom of anything, and anything that blocks a freedom that does not harm another person, based on their secular teachings, they object towards, even the truth of God's word. The outrage that parents feel is universally understood by all true Christians. Outside our homes, away from our words, are the words of secular words which we cannot control. It creates an insecurity that makes even Christians deviate from our own teachings and become choose to treat certain issues differently then they otherwise would; a type of bias. But their is no new issue against our faith that we have not faced before. Having the truth of all answers is simply what Christianity has and has demonstrated for ages. The God we have has never been defeated. Saying it proudly is quite uplifting; Jesus Christ is the most famous person for centuries. He who is above all has retain his sovereignty against the slings and arrows of secular attack. All cultures that have embraced Jesus into their hearts have such beauty; taking a short glance at those that do not allow his principles are starving for them. Hearing the testimony of the a Muslim who said when he heard "love your enemies" that he was utterly shocked, influenced me to see that in a world ruled by human chaos, Christianity's teachings of love and forgiveness stands on high.
In the 16th century, it was the Anabaptist that first suggestion the separation of church and state.
Taking into consideration these historical events, it seems that the freedom was born in western society became used by Christianity's love to a people who loved not the institution that brought it about. They believed they could dissect a faith's values and use its most fundamental principles to serve its own purpose; without consistency, without historical relevance, without reliable evidence, a secular vision began to assume that it could keep such values and survive. Religions that have survived have only done so because they disallow a light that will shine out all untruth.
America had led the way in becoming so great in beauty in attempting to demonstrate freedom that freedom has been stolen to mean something without a proper authority such as God, and only God, could sustain. "The reigns of freedom have been pulled by the fashionable horse of unabated liberalism out of the hands of imprudent public policy, and the carriage of society will run its blind course till it bashes into the tree of social psychosis." Liberals have heart, but don't understand it. They make the right choices for the wrong reasons while conservatives may make the wrong choices for the right reasons. Do political questions involve reasoning for people outside their beliefs for the sake of some sort of political science which tries to assume a dictatorship, and reach into the life of the person in consideration? America may come and go, Christianity may be seen as one way today and another tomorrow, but what never will change is the truth that is God's word. This country doesn't matter since its values are based on a opinions and not the bible, the elongation of our lives doesn't matter since it is only a moment in time, and certainly truth and love matter since they are the only guiding forces the sustain all beings. Outside our churches, the beliefs do not matter. We have the written word of God that has been attacked and debated for centuries and is stronger then ever. Trusting in Truth and Love that are not weak is all we have. The bible's morals have never been topped, the beauty of the life of Christ has never been equaled, and truth that is the gospel message more attractive then anything ever spoken on this planet. Thomas was reprimanded for his need to see. So let us rely less on what we see and more on what we cannot see.

Taking all this into consideration the next question that comes to mind is what connection between what God uses to sustain and what people believe God uses to sustain Christianity. Does America religious freedom sustain Christianity in American; does religious freedom of religious practices in our country sustain us, or is it our faith in Jesus Christ that sustains us? Having a child or being a proud person can cause one to loose sight of the truth. Having a child in school being taught values contrary to what we believe makes us totally outraged especially when they come home talking about what they have learned. Being taught about two princes marrying one another here in California to another certainly would be a means of secular values being enforced on our innocent children who have no real understanding since they are just children. And when the word freedom gets thrown around enough, they become opposed with freedom of anything, and anything that blocks a freedom that does not harm another person, based on their secular teachings, they object towards, even the truth of God's word. The outrage that parents feel is universally understood by all true Christians. Outside our homes, away from our words, are the words of secular words which we cannot control. It creates an insecurity that makes even Christians deviate from our own teachings and become choose to treat certain issues differently then they otherwise would; a type of bias. But their is no new issue against our faith that we have not faced before. Having the truth of all answers is simply what Christianity has and has demonstrated for ages. The God we have has never been defeated. Saying it proudly is quite uplifting; Jesus Christ is the most famous person for centuries. He who is above all has retain his sovereignty against the slings and arrows of secular attack. All cultures that have embraced Jesus into their hearts have such beauty; taking a short glance at those that do not allow his principles are starving for them. Hearing the testimony of the a Muslim who said when he heard "love your enemies" that he was utterly shocked, influenced me to see that in a world ruled by human chaos, Christianity's teachings of love and forgiveness stands on high.
In the 16th century, it was the Anabaptist that first suggestion the separation of church and state.

America had led the way in becoming so great in beauty in attempting to demonstrate freedom that freedom has been stolen to mean something without a proper authority such as God, and only God, could sustain. "The reigns of freedom have been pulled by the fashionable horse of unabated liberalism out of the hands of imprudent public policy, and the carriage of society will run its blind course till it bashes into the tree of social psychosis." Liberals have heart, but don't understand it. They make the right choices for the wrong reasons while conservatives may make the wrong choices for the right reasons. Do political questions involve reasoning for people outside their beliefs for the sake of some sort of political science which tries to assume a dictatorship, and reach into the life of the person in consideration? America may come and go, Christianity may be seen as one way today and another tomorrow, but what never will change is the truth that is God's word. This country doesn't matter since its values are based on a opinions and not the bible, the elongation of our lives doesn't matter since it is only a moment in time, and certainly truth and love matter since they are the only guiding forces the sustain all beings. Outside our churches, the beliefs do not matter. We have the written word of God that has been attacked and debated for centuries and is stronger then ever. Trusting in Truth and Love that are not weak is all we have. The bible's morals have never been topped, the beauty of the life of Christ has never been equaled, and truth that is the gospel message more attractive then anything ever spoken on this planet. Thomas was reprimanded for his need to see. So let us rely less on what we see and more on what we cannot see.
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