Yeah....not saying you are, but the last guy basically said the same thing....and no offence, but I have had this dance many times with Calvin followers and they, without exception, are not open to the truth, believe in their mind they are never wrong, refuse to acknowledge truth that contradicts their hard fast Calvinistic dogma and like normal, refuse to answer the question...
First, let me say, you seem very zealous for the truth, and I appreciate that about you. You began this thread over 7,300 posts ago, and you're still very active. Without flattery, I really commend you for that. I hope we can get to know each other more here in CC.
I'm not surprised that you receive the same answers from our Calvinistic brothers if the same questions are posed over and over again to them. Am I convinced of the truths that I hold precious in my faith? Absolutely. Do I believe I could be wrong - sure. I by no means have the corner on truth, and I'm always willing to interact and discuss anything I hold as true.
As a father of 6, a full timer at my place of employment, a serving member at my church, and a seminary student, I am going to be very busy. But I'll do my best to answer the questions you pose in a respectful manner. Like you, I love the truth, and I am eager to dialogue on it.
Did the Lord's churches have it wrong for 1500 plus years until AN EX CATHOLIC came on the scene with HIS DOGMA that you now hold as truth and peddle as truth?
Here I must claim ignorance on something. It'd help me if I knew what background you're coming from. Are you saying that the Roman Catholic Church was correct for those 1500 years, before Luther? Or are you simply claiming that for those 1500 years Calvinists today sees the church in error because they didn't have a system of Calvinism?
I would say this - any student of church history knows that the church had
a lot of growing to do in its infancy. I don't think anyone would say that the church was absolutely 100% accurate on everything it believed for those 1500 years. In fact, there were a lot of foibles along the way - but over time they grew in their understanding of the truth - and I think the canonization of Scripture had a lot to do with that, around the time of Athanasius and Marcion. There were also church counsels that were very instrumental in the development of doctrine.
I have some great resources for church history that I can make available to you, if interested.
So - I don't claim the corner on truth. I submit that I can learn from you, and I believe I have something to bring to the table, also, that can challenge and encourage you - if we're able to have a civil discussion. Blessings, brother.