For the moment I will consider your comment as a dangling participle while awaiting clarification;....You are saying those who have repented...correct...and otherwise righteous..?
I was explaining the human condition to the other gentleman, who falsely believes that totally depraved sinners are good. I was reminding him that our best works are as filthy rags, in Gods sight.
Those in the Arminian camp desperately hold on to the false belief that their goodness and intelligence will save them. I was reminding him that we are born dead in our sins and trespasses and that our intelligence doesn't guarantee that we will accept the free offer of eternal paradise and swap our sentence of eternal torment in hell.
I was trying to explain that an intelligent person would never swap eternal torment in hell fire for eternal paradise, I mean what a silly trade that would be right!. The gentleman was trying to convince me that, only the smartest will crack the code and see that it's a good deal. While all of those humble, simple, small and weak will never work it out, they are domed.
Only the top smartest people of the world will work out the fact that it's better to spend eternity in paradise, while the rest of us are convinced that screaming in fire is the better option.