First of all let me say jaybird I cannot believe in one of your later post you said the following. "context has nothing to do with anything, this is always the "go to" excuse for you guys when you twist scripture to conform to a doctrine." Your being hypocrital because you just used context with me when I quoted John 10:30, "I and the Father WE are one." when you ran to John 10:36 and said, "but then we have just a few sentences later Jesus applying the exact same phrase with believers and Jesus even says its the same." This is using "context."
Secondly, your completly clueless as to why Jesus quoted Psalm 82:6. It was to make a very important point. And btw, the gods at Psalm 82:6 are not really "gods" but men/judges who were acting on God's behalf and God says they will die like the men they are because they were corrupt.
So Jesus is taking the the Jew's statement about Him blaspheming to its logical conclusion. That is that the Jews's are being inconsistent, Jesus is saying "Ifg your say that I am blaspheming you must also hold that God is blaspheming because He said to those by whom the word of God came, "ye are gods." Nowhere does Jesus take back His statement and say that He is not one in nature with His Father. We already know that Jesus Christ is one in purpose with the Father, that's a given.
Moreover, the Jews knew exactly what Jesus meant when He/Jesus (literally said in the Greek) "I and the Father we are one." And you know what is even more interesting? The subject/context is about Jesus being one in nature with His Father because He is giving His own commentary of the context by bringing up Psalm 82:6 because it's about the issue of "gods." Now, I already know that your going to say, "But at vs36 Jesus is claiming to be the "Son of God" and not the true God. Apparently your not familar with the Jewish idiom, "the son of." So what say you mr. no context?

PS: I'll have a lot more to say about Jesus being God later on because I want you to notice at John 10:31 that little word "AGAIN."