Our church has moved away from hymn worship, we don't sing 'How Great Thou Art' in our morning services anymore. It's interesting, I guess, that's the way of the world, not that I don't like '10,000 reasons,' and, other pop songs, I like them, but, I think, it's important there is a mix, I'm praying about this, my pastor is my age, I'm thinking of telling him this. Last week, in service, he said a big word wrong (pronunciation) and I went up after the service and told him proper way to say word. I don't say this to gloat, we are supposed to help out our pastor when someting you're decent at comes into schedule, or, maybe, it was just the Lord's leading, no, it was His leading, but I am just saying that we need to listen to the voice inside us, that is Him, when something just comes up, now, in my church, around 100,000 people hear my pastor speak since we are on regular stations like TBN, church tv, , and, I was attending the first of THREE services so going up there and mentioning the correct pronunciation of the word was something I felt strongly to do. around 2,000 people, give or take a few hundred, attend each of the first three services so it was interesting that no one else was beating me up there to tell the pastor the mispronunciation and during the service when he pronounced this word, he even said 'I hope I am saying this word right,' and, no one said a word. Idk, I just believe in the Lord's leading and His grace and mercy and Love and revelation is shown us all in ways that we will not see UNLESS we have faith in Him, in what He's doing in our life to help others, even our pastors .
Your pastor needs your support, it's right up there with doctors, firefighters, for stress jobs, I think, you really have to be quite the person, in so many ways, to take on being a shepherd over a flock of folks who are sheep. Your pastor, in Jesus' eyes, is a 'sheep,' too, but, imagine that, in YOUR church setting, your PASTOR is the shepherd, a role that is tough on him, sometimes, and, so, go up and encourage your pastor tomorrow after church, hey, if nothing else, say, 'Great message, bro, it really hit home.'