In reading threads the past couple of days, it struck me how far so many have come and the healing that has occurred in so many lives in this forum. I think the friendships we have in this forum are a huge part of that. In talking with Gary last night and pondering all of this I realized how far I've come over the past couple of years as well.
Many of you know I lost my husband several years ago. What you may not know is that almost immediately thereafter my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I cared for her until she passed...and then one of my elder stepbrothers (who was like a father to me) also went to be with the Lord. It was one thing after another and I didn't really have (or maybe I simply did not TAKE) the healing time I needed to grieve.
I was pretty messed up and closed off when I first came here. I didn't want to talk with anyone (male or female) or date anyone, any time, anywhere. I listened in chat and spoke very little, but more and more I became comfortable and began to join in. Then I met all of you in this forum.
It's been on my heart all afternoon to take the time to say thank you.
Thank you for the love, laughter and prayers. Mostly, thank you for your patience and presence in my life. You mean more to me than you know.
God has done quite a work and I deeply appreciate your allowing Him to use you in so many ways.
I'm working more and more it seems and may be here less and less, but know that I think of all of you and remember you in my prayers.
Many of you know I lost my husband several years ago. What you may not know is that almost immediately thereafter my mom was diagnosed with cancer and I cared for her until she passed...and then one of my elder stepbrothers (who was like a father to me) also went to be with the Lord. It was one thing after another and I didn't really have (or maybe I simply did not TAKE) the healing time I needed to grieve.
I was pretty messed up and closed off when I first came here. I didn't want to talk with anyone (male or female) or date anyone, any time, anywhere. I listened in chat and spoke very little, but more and more I became comfortable and began to join in. Then I met all of you in this forum.
It's been on my heart all afternoon to take the time to say thank you.
I'm working more and more it seems and may be here less and less, but know that I think of all of you and remember you in my prayers.