And You? In trouble?

It's kind of funny because I have this way of getting in trouble for the most miniscule reasons.
I work 6 days a week so I only make it to the gym 2-3 days, so I try to make the most of each session. My "normal" routine has become an hour on a the treadmill, 20-30 minutes on the weight machines, and another 30-45 minutes on a stationary bike.
The last time I went, the lady at the desk hollered at me for wearing jean shorts to the gym. She even made it a point to follow me to the treadmill (after I'd already been on it for about 10 minutes) with a rule book and read me the 2-page dress code out loud. I know this is rude, but I pretty much ignored her.
First of all, I've been going there almost 6 weeks and no one has said anything. Second, the shorts I was wearing are ancient and have no rivets so there is nothing about them that will damage or tear anything on the machines. Third, it's impossible for me to find workout gear I like, so I stick with loose t-shirts and have been to literally ever store in town trying to find a suitable pair of shorts. All I want is something loose and comfy that covers everything, especially when engaged in all those awkward positions on the machines, and this one pair not only fit the bill, but was all I had.
Have you ladies found that it is impossible to find workout gear that isn't a combination of Spanx and hot pants all at once??!!! (NOT a very flattering combination--all I can think of when I see it is Wedgie City.) And unfortunately, my sewing machine is in storage so I can't make/alter myself a new pair for another 3 months. I don't want super short. I don't want skin tight. And I don't want capris or ankle length stretch pants. And that's ALL the stores here offer. ARGH!!! Do guys find it this hard to find workout attire? I'm guessing no.
Le sigh.
So today I wore my regular "around the house" "gym" shorts but was totally uncomfortable the whole time because in my opinion, they're a tad bit too short. After all, I'm going to be 42, not 16, and I didn't even wear short shorts when I WAS a teenager.
I go to a gym that's mostly senior citizens and so I tend to stick out like a sore thumb, which may be why I seem to keep getting a bit of unwanted "supervision." If someone is waiting for a machine, you're supposed to limit your time to 30 minutes. Well, I'd done my whole routine and was now happily reading on the stationery bike when the guy at the desk came over and put a tag on my bike (kind of like when they chalk your tires at a parking spot), and told me to wrap it up.
BUT THERE WAS NO ONE WAITING, and 3 other people were on bikes, with one of them being there longer than me. And I was the only one who got "tagged"!! SIGH.
The funny thing is, at heart, I'm a couch potato just trying to get a little exercise... HOW MUCH OF A FIGHT IS THIS GOING TO BE???!!! Stay tuned!!
You've also heard of a gym rat... Well, I am a gym nerd. I was telling Melita I've finally taught myself to read while exercising--as long as I can keep what I'm reading on a stand so it doesn't move, I don't get dizzy like I usually do if I try to read while moving. So, I literally bring an entire bag of books and keep reading until I'm utterly exhausted, and that's the only thing that keeps me on those machines so long.
Plus, I'm thinking of crashing a party... As in, The Lego Club Party at the library.
I don't even collect or play with Legos, but I love looking at what other people make out of them!! If I show up at the party, will they throw me out for not being a "true" Lego enthusiast??!!
After all, I figure if I'm going to be seen as this rebellious young whipper snapper who keeps breaking all the rules... I might as well go all the way.